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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warrior skates

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JR got me curious about warrior releases especially skates so I went to one of the LHS in the area to do some investigative work.

The only info I could dig up is the following, warrior skates later this year that will have some new balance technology mosot likely the footbed.

The skate will be along the line of reeboks, more durability then lightness.

This info apparently from a warrior rep.

I have no idea if JR was eluding to these in another post but funky design would not shock me.

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JR got me curious about warrior releases especially skates so I went to one of the LHS in the area to do some investigative work.

The only info I could dig up is the following, warrior skates later this year that will have some new balance technology mosot likely the footbed.

The skate will be along the line of reeboks, more durability then lightness.

This info apparently from a warrior rep.

I have no idea if JR was eluding to these in another post but funky design would not shock me.

they told you later this year? i was told next year they will have a full line of equipment, but NOT skates just yet. those will be the folowing year.

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JR got me curious about warrior releases especially skates so I went to one of the LHS in the area to do some investigative work.

The only info I could dig up is the following, warrior skates later this year that will have some new balance technology mosot likely the footbed.

The skate will be along the line of reeboks, more durability then lightness.

This info apparently from a warrior rep.

I have no idea if JR was eluding to these in another post but funky design would not shock me.

Nothing to do with skates. Colors, hmm.

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eh usually the red and green are a different enuff shade to tell them apart but yea it mostly sucks it really sucks when i tell ppl im color blind and there like what color is this point to like blue or black, so annoying

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Either way.. im not about to put my precious footsies into any 1st gen boot.. especially for the markup on them for being so "rare" among lhs.

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Guest Muck
Either way.. im not about to put my precious footsies into any 1st gen boot.. especially for the markup on them for being so "rare" among lhs.

Amen, but did you say footsies? :blink:

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Either way.. im not about to put my precious footsies into any 1st gen boot.. especially for the markup on them for being so "rare" among lhs.

Amen, but did you say footsies? :blink:

I like my nasty feet.. :D

And after getting them all cut up and bruised from a first pair of synergys... I doubt I will use any 1st gen skates ever again. :S

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Hmmmm if their catalogue is anything to go by expect lots of green and red to be used. The Clashinator colours! ;-)

sucks for me i cant tell the two apart...im red green color blind

Hey welcome to the club -- except my colour blindness is the more rare one -- blue yellow. Can't see any bright colours if my life depended on it. Yellow, orange & pink totally screw me up.

Research shows the characteristics of colour blindness and baldness primarily reside with the Y chromozone, that's why these things tend to be male traits. Freakin genetics.

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So basically New Balance bought Innovative and changed the name to Warrior.

ummm sort of, but not really, long story....back in the day dave morrow a hockey player turned on to lacrosse went to princeton, was all american lax, the real deal, he founded warrior and it blew up, id say its tied with brine for #1 lacrosse company, even though there are like 5 lacrosse equipment companies, but anyway NB kind of backed warrior i believe 3 or 4 years ago, and im pretty sure morrow never lost his passion for hockey and thought to himself ive the $ support of NB, lets jump into hockey, inno was hot, but not readily available, so he scooped the desgins (notice warrior sticks say 'inno design') and i guess thats where we are today

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There was an article on a detroit blog website or something to that effect that discussed Shannahan being influencial in some way with Morrow and Peranis being a big distributer etc.

Does designs mean all products or just sticks?

I'm still wondering about white skates or was that a joke

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