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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL 2005

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I found some screenshots of EA's new NHL 2005, but there are some funny details in them if you look closely... :lol:




See if you can find them all! :P

It sounds like a nice game though once it's finished, with some nice improvements compared to NHL 2004. And as for the screenshots, I'm sure this is just an early stage of the game development so those little funny things will probably not be in the finished product.

NHL 2005 preview article

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I think its sweet they all ware different skates and use different sticks, and thye are real. In my NHL Rivals game they all use Microsoft OPS, lol.

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in the 1st one yzerman has a green stick.

2nd pic whats wrong with the one skate

3rd, the guy laying down looks retarded

i like that green stick, can you even purchase those beasts?

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The easton stick is upside down as well.

The upside down sticks are a result of the way the mapping is done on the actual 3D models. The maps have two sides but a stick has four so on two of the four sides the map will be oriented in reverse. In other words the stick will look correct when the player is facing one way and backwards another. They do this because it saves on file sizes for the images. It would probably be possible to mod the game so it mapped all four sides but I don't have time these days to play with that stuff.

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Don't worry guys. This is probably a really, really early representation of the final product. I'm sure all of that stuff will be sorted out.

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The easton stick is upside down as well.

The upside down sticks are a result of the way the mapping is done on the actual 3D models. The maps have two sides but a stick has four so on two of the four sides the map will be oriented in reverse. In other words the stick will look correct when the player is facing one way and backwards another. They do this because it saves on file sizes for the images. It would probably be possible to mod the game so it mapped all four sides but I don't have time these days to play with that stuff.

Thx for the explanation! I loved 2004 so I can't wait for 05'

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i thought 2004 wasnt that great. the shooting was worse than the 2003 one.It didnt seem as life like as the 2003 one did and it was always a really quick wind up. too many controlls :o

wouldnt it be kool if they broke sticks?

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wonder how easton and ccm finally agreed to show their products on video games? probably try to advertise

the vector logos are supposed to be shiny, so i think that y they are so yellow (to make them look shiny)

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ya also have u guys noticed that the vectr isnt a one piece :)

besides that stuff the graphics are sick! Cujo looks so real and they had a nice hint to the ice.

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I would hope in the Dynasty mode that the other GMs aren't so cheap when it comes to trades. That and the upgrades need to come a bit faster.

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2nd pic whats wrong with the one skate

The shadow/reflection is over the skate....

2005 doesnt look like it is much different than 2004.

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I've lost all respect for the EA NHL franchise. They need to get my boys over at Tiburon to make it. Tiburon makes the Madden franchise - they're a couple of blocks from my rink.

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Um... how about the fact that everyone has the same face?

I think it looks like Naslund. Maybe it's a hint to who will be on the cover...

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if anyone will be on the cover, i bet it'll be st. louis. i have 2004 and its pretty good. i got the pc version and did the pnhl mod and i couple other things. tweaking with it is pretty fun by itself.

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