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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

My custom blades

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I've had to tinker with it. Too much loft for my liking, believe it or not. I like it completely closed or almost a reverse loft.

Ok Johnny Vermont.

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Bingo! Thanks, 'chuk71. B) BTW sorry to hear about the delay on your Legend blades.

I'm fairly clueless when it comes to the details of wood blade construction. Does anyone know if TPS or any other wood blade manufacturer can start their curves that early too? I don't know if Legend's process is the same, and I don't want to make any assumptions.

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The closer to the heel the curve starts, the more difficulties they have making them. They encounter much more breakage on a major curve right at the heel.

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Chadd's got a point because mine were a pain in the ass to get on time unless I put them in way in advance. It's sort of like the 43


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Crap, worse than that? I was thinking of getting something like that 51 but with a straighter top of the blade. Forget that.

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48, 49, 52 are the really tough ones as I understand it. This was another company that told me that, not legend.

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Dangit, and I was considering something like the 43 or 48.

They still make them, it's just harder to make. Sometimes that makes it take longer.

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I can live with the extra time needed to do the job right. I have a tendency to break blades even though I don't have a hard shot, so I'm mainly concerned that the early start to the curve means a weaker hosel joint structure, or less consistency from blade to blade of the same pattern. If this isn't the case, then cool.

Quick question: does Sher-wood make custom Axion blades? There was a custom composite blade thread back on CB but I don't recall the details.

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I can live with the extra time needed to do the job right. I have a tendency to break blades even though I don't have a hard shot, so I'm mainly concerned that the early start to the curve means a weaker hosel joint structure, or less consistency from blade to blade of the same pattern. If this isn't the case, then cool.

Quick question: does Sher-wood make custom Axion blades? There was a custom composite blade thread back on CB but I don't recall the details.

yes, i dont want to give out wholesale costs on the board, but its very reasonable

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If it's a big enough bend in a small area it may put a little extra stress on teh blade. I believe they do make custom Axions.

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Thanks guys.

Would I contact Sher-wood directly about custom Axions, or go through a dealer? Also, what's their minimum qty.?

talk to your local dealer, they won't do direct.

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