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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Another Easton Promo

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How much are these skates? And are they good? After I get the answers to these questions I might be able to tell you what I think of the promo :D

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There is nothing new about this promotion. It has been in effect for a few years now as well as offered by various other manufacturers.

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I just remember that the first time I saw it used was to market the 02 gray Synergy and that it was effective. I was wondering how you guys felt about the free si-core with the purchase of the skates instead of like the new Si-core grip or have the promo later on and add a free stealth or something.

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I know this doesn't have to do with the Easton promo, but Mission is also having on with the S-400/500 skates and an M-1, L-2 stick with it. I don't know what to do! LOL.

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Ha, ha, lets write Bauer and see what kind of stick/skate promotion they might come up with. Maybe CCM will play tag in this game of companyupsmanship and throw in a pair of gloves or a bag along with the stick. And lets not forget Ferland. The stakes are high...

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Yea, I was just wondering if Bauer does have a promo, I don't remember them having one last year but maybe they did. Any info if there is/isn't, Thanks.

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In all seriousness I don't think that Bauer is having a promo sale. I haven't heard anything and they haven't for the last couple of years. Perhaps if Easton and Mission skate sales continue they might.

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Bauer did not have one, however Nike did. CCM had one when the Pro Tacks came out, but it was for an authentic jersey of your choice. I would rather get a jersey than a stick.

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A free si-core still wouldnt convince me to buy those awful skates. And even if i did buy the skates, they would probably send me a 110 flex shanahan or something ridiculous like that.

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Bauer did not have one, however Nike did.  CCM had one when the Pro Tacks came out, but it was for an authentic jersey of your choice.  I would rather get a jersey than a stick.

CCM has one also. Buy either Vector Pro or Vector ZG skates between June 1st and July 31st and get either a V120 or V110 stick.


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If your LHS will let you trade in the stick you get its even better.

Most LHS won't let you trade in your stick. The last thing they want is to be stuck with a hundred LH 110-flex Shanahans.

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you might be lucky, and get a pro model stick. last year when i got my synthesis, i got a pro-model blade. so they could be giving away pro model sticks.

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You mean that you don't get to choose which curve Si-Core... you just accept what they give you??? Really??? What the benefit of a free stick if its a curve you cant use???

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I agree. THye dont have to have promos that give you free sticks. I know if i got a free synergy I wouldnt complain even if it was'nt my hand. Although Iam sure they atleast give you your right hand. Be thankfull you get a 200$ stick for 0$

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Hell, use it as an opportunity to try a new curve out. If you're too picky for that, I'm sure there will be someone on here willing to trade for something more "you". Whatever it is, don't be a crybaby because your gift isn't exactly what you wanted.

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Never buy a pair of skates just because you get a stick or jersey or whatever along with it. Buy the skates that fit you best and have the features you want and if you get something extra for buying it at a certain time, then go for it.

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