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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I dont watch tv to much actually I only watched the shield and commedy central (stand up)

but at a friends house they introduced me to "wild n out" , "Yo momma" , "next"

you guys watch any of these? i thought wild n out was ok for a little bit

and yo momma was alright. next sucked.

im sticking to the shield.

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spaeking of bad tv. that show reno 911 on comedy central sucked

Yeah, it sucked so bad that they are currently filming Reno 911: Miami- The Movie. ;) Thus why there haven't been any new episodes on in a long time. One of the smartest, and most offbeat TV comedies since Strangers With Candy. BTW, most people thought this show sucked also but oh well, to each his own.

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spaeking of bad tv. that show reno 911 on comedy central sucked

Yeah, it sucked so bad that they are currently filming Reno 911: Miami- The Movie. ;) Thus why there haven't been any new episodes on in a long time. One of the smartest, and most offbeat TV comedies since Strangers With Candy. BTW, most people thought this show sucked also but oh well, to each his own.

trailer park boys is funnier

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speaking of MTV shows, viva la bam is awesome. when vito is talking and you cant understand him, and they put random jibberish in his captions at the bottom.. funny as all hell. just some of the smaller stuff from that show that could go unnoticed, cracks me up.

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