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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Equipment related injuries?

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I know that one of the biggest reasons we spend money on gear is so we can play a fast, hard game confidently. I'm wondering if any lack of protection/breakage/failure on the part of any gear has cause you guys injury. Also, if you could include what you have done to migitate against the problem (and ensuing injury) from re-occuring. I guess the old adege, "fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me) would apply here.

I'll start: I had a pair of CCM Vector 4.0's with the standard e-blade holders and pretty standard rocker/profile/hollow. They were about a year old but in very good condition (I'll say that for years CCM has been the holy grail of durability for me and the Vector line was up to that moment, no exception). The skate totally give out on me about 6 weeks ago while I was skating after an icing that had been called off (for a stupid reason but let's not bash refs right?). The holder cracked in half and the bottom of the boot got a big crack as I shifted all my weight to it right behind the net (I was moving fast but the guy chasing me was at least 5 feet behind me, my fall was not at all caused my contact). I wound up going into the boards, couldn't feel anything in my lower limbs for about 1 minute, walked it off for 10 minutes, and then joined the game in the next period. Coach told me to go to the hospital the next day. I couldn't walk for about a week, got a prescription for some really good pain medication the name of which I can't spell. The hospital bill was $400USD for x-rays of my tailbone, medication and some therapy (yeah these American's aren't much for social healthcare eh). I know that you can't guarantee equipment failure, but in retrospect I would have rather spent that $400 dollars on a pair of holders that I basically KNOW would survive the toughest games that a d-man like me could throw at it.

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One of the guys who used to be on my team got a hairline fracture in his leg when his Easton ultralight shin pads broke the first time he blocked a hard shot. I've seen a lot of injuries to people using them.

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brand new dr elbow pads.

go out there get hit into the boards and the plastic part cracks in half and i chip bones in my elbow.

I still have chips that i can push around in my elbow.


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brand new dr elbow pads.

go out there get hit into the boards and the plastic part cracks in half and i chip bones in my elbow.

I still have chips that i can push around in my elbow.


what model?

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Not so much of actual "injury" but everypair of elbow pads I ever get pinches my arms real bad whenever I bend my arm which obviously happens a lot while playing. Sometimes after games when I take them off I have huge red marks on my arms. Does anyone know of a good pair of elbow pads that flex and bend well without pinching? any help would be greatly appreciated.

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CCM 952 strained tendons in my foot. Had a soft cast for 3 wks. Never gave CCM a shot after that.

Was it just the fit? the stiffness?

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I had a friend on a Women's team that had problems with her Missions (inlines). After hard games, the skin around both of her ankles would be rubbed raw and would be bleeding profusely. She had to stop playing until she found the skates that fit her properly.

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CCM 952 strained tendons in my foot.  Had a soft cast for 3 wks.  Never gave CCM a shot after that.

Was it just the fit? the stiffness?

My arch was not supported.

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I had a friend on a Women's team that had problems with her Missions (inlines). After hard games, the skin around both of her ankles would be rubbed raw and would be bleeding profusely. She had to stop playing until she found the skates that fit her properly.

not sure if it's my fault or not, but when i wear my 8090's, the skin about an inch and a half above my ankle bone rubs off. it got so bad after about 3 hours ont he ice this one time that i had to stop hockey for about a week for them to heal, the slightest rubbing would tear off the scab

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I got hit in the head with a hard snap shot and it hit the part where the clear ear protector thing is on my RBK.Im lucky I didnt get a concussion,but my whole ear is black and blue right now.Not really the helmets fault but manufacturers should put a little more protection in that area.

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uhh chad i wouldnt even be able to tell u

I brought them back to the store immediately.

i only used them once.

but if i were to take a guess id say 70-ish like 77 or 75 or something.

if they even make that...

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I had a pair of Nike Hi-Ho Silvers that weren't properly sized (partially my fault) and they used to blister the insides of my foot beyond believe. By my second or third game there was just a giant cut in that spot which was re-opened every skate.

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I got hit in the head with a hard snap shot and it hit the part where the clear ear protector thing is on my RBK.Im lucky I didnt get a concussion,but my whole ear is black and blue right now.Not really the helmets fault but manufacturers should put a little more protection in that area.

Ya that doesn't really count seeing as the helmet is not really meant to protect that spot from that kind of contact. Funny you mention it though, I got 13 stitches in my EAR CANAL after a guy got hit hard, flipped over my goalie, and landed with his skate on my head. The force of the blade hitting the ear flap protector thingy pushed it against my ear and slit it wide open. I was so ticked that it cut me through that tiny little hole that is only there to hear out of, that I took the whole ear protector off (what's the point eh?) and havn't put it back on. And incidentally havn't gotten kicked there either. But that's certainly not a case of equipment failure.

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One of the guys who used to be on my team got a hairline fracture in his leg when his Easton ultralight shin pads broke the first time he blocked a hard shot. I've seen a lot of injuries to people using them.

The fact they are called ultralight should tell you there not for blocking shots.......

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One of the girls on the team I work for was wearing a H5000 in practice, she took at shot in the ear piece, 40+ stiches later her ear was back attached !

She is in the process of sueing Bauer

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Basically, any "injury" resulting from equipment, is usually the fault of the skater. Either they didn't buy the correct level of protection for their level of play, didn't get proper fit, had a piece of equipment for 15 yrs, or... they didn't inspect their equipment before using it to discover problems. Granted there will be freak occasions of equipment failure, but a holder falling off is not a skate problem. It was likely the the skater didn't dry the skates properly and the rivits rusted. I can't tell you how many come into my shop with hardly any rivits holding the darn things in place.

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I was wearing Vic Aeroflow Shin pads a few years ago - they were the correct size and were only about 6 months old with no visible damage to them going into the game. I took a slap shot off the shin and the plastic broke and a sharp piece of the plastic gouged my shin - it left a pretty good gash and I still have the scar. It wasn't like it was a bullet shot or anything either - just an average slap shot. Not a serious injury by any means and I missed no time, but it still didn't feel pleasant and I haven't had anything like that happen before or after that time while blocking harder shots with other shin pads.

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I bought some KOHO silver elbow pads..4420 If I remember correct.. They just were not beefy enough for my size.. Fell on the elbow and for 6 months it was tender... now my elbow is sensative in the area... Properly fitted Nike v-10's and CCM pro tack elbows have worked above expectations...especially the CCM pro's

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CCM 952 strained tendons in my foot.  Had a soft cast for 3 wks.  Never gave CCM a shot after that.

I had the exact same thing happen to me with a pair of roller blades. There is a 20 mile park trail here that is nice and I was off season so I picked up a pair of rollerblades to pass the time. I reached the 6 mile marker and I couldn't stand it anymore. I called my roomate and he had to come pick me up. I wasn't in a softcast, but I litterally had to use crutches for a week. I am supprised that I didn't tear mine.

As for other injuries..

-Im waiting for my hand to shatter from a slash because I am using Vapor V gloves in dropin. (They are entry level, but I love the weight.. Im just waiting for my one90s to come. I have a pair of eagles, but they are warn from 2 seasons and the palms are nasty.)

-I strained my back last season after sliding knee first into the boards after a check (not really equipment based.. my knees were fine, but I wish my old ccm pants would have better back support).

-2 fractured ribs from taking a spear to the chest (but again, its my fault.. I use the minimum spec gear for NCAA standards). Sherwood sp5030.. feather light, but im not going to slide in front of any slappers with them.

-Broken thumb with my Eagle X70s..

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Not so much of actual "injury" but everypair of elbow pads I ever get pinches my arms real bad whenever I bend my arm which obviously happens a lot while playing. Sometimes after games when I take them off I have huge red marks on my arms. Does anyone know of a good pair of elbow pads that flex and bend well without pinching? any help would be greatly appreciated.

Sherwood 5030. AWESOME.

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faulty pair of Grafs caused me a back injury

What happen?

For me, I don't remember having an injury because of my equipment.

Well, I purchased my 3rd par of Grafs over 6 years.....

So when I got them, I usualy nedded no time to get use to em, i just whent all out, well this time, I paid for it, I'm 6'1" and 205 Pounds and I skate hard, after two games and pain in my lower back, i realysed that the skate was crooked....

The story following this was pretty bad http://www.modsquadhockey.com/index.php?showtopic=4840&hl=

Result, disk damage lower back, no Ice for 10 months and many sleepless nights...

I'm back now but i'm closed to 230 pounds :rolleyes:

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Man...I've never heard of peoples skates tearing feet apart like you guys are describing. You skating barefooted? I have CCM Vectors and never had any sort of discomfort such as you are describing. They feel like sneakers.

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