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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Another pair of One90's on Ebay

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My LHS has had some junior pairs in for a week or two now. There $549 CND. They are so light it's ridiculous, but for the price... no way.

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I really don't get how/why people pre-order things that they've never seen or tried purely on marketing and hype. I'm confident that it's going to be a very good skate, but there's no way in hell I'm going to pre-pay a few months in advance just so I can be one of the first people to try a brand new product.

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My company does pre-orders. You'd be amazed by how many people actually do it.

It just reinforces my belief that marketing is more important than product quality. It's easier to tell people you make a good product than it is to make a good product.

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My company does pre-orders.  You'd be amazed by how many people actually do it.

It just reinforces my belief that marketing is more important than product quality. It's easier to tell people you make a good product than it is to make a good product.

In that case it proves the old point: the masses are asses. You buy the hype because you want to buy the hype. It makes you feel safe and secure rather than to wait and make your own independent decision. It is the final decision of the consumer to decide the value of the product. Every product in North America is hyped: cars, HDTV, blue jeans, sneakers, and cereal. Marketing is part of product. Product quality is not less important than marketing. It is more important than marketing because all the marketing in the world won't sell a product over and over if the product doesn't work or the public isn't satisfied with it. The perfect example is when Coca-Cola landed on their ass hyping/marketing "New Coke" and everyone hated it. The first thing they did was go right back to the old formula. Marketing creates demand, performance sells product. Why do so many MSHers get excited about the hype for One90 skates, RBK Pump skates, Graf G5 Ultra skates and then turn around trash the product before they even have a chance to see it or use it?

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My company does pre-orders.  You'd be amazed by how many people actually do it.

It just reinforces my belief that marketing is more important than product quality. It's easier to tell people you make a good product than it is to make a good product.

In that case it proves the old point: the masses are asses. You buy the hype because you want to buy the hype. It makes you feel safe and secure rather than to wait and make your own independent decision. It is the final decision of the consumer to decide the value of the product. Every product in North America is hyped: cars, HDTV, blue jeans, sneakers, and cereal. Marketing is part of product. Product quality is not less important than marketing. It is more important than marketing because all the marketing in the world won't sell a product over and over if the product doesn't work or the public isn't satisfied with it. The perfect example is when Coca-Cola landed on their ass hyping/marketing "New Coke" and everyone hated it. The first thing they did was go right back to the old formula. Marketing creates demand, performance sells product. Why do so many MSHers get excited about the hype for One90 skates, RBK Pump skates, Graf G5 Ultra skates and then turn around trash the product before they even have a chance to see it or use it?

Also agreed..

Look at the new warrior lineup. There are people who have passed by the stock of innos at their LHS, some of which have never even touched a product from inno who are fully convinced that Warrior is the best stick ever made. There even was a thread here about a guy who got his stick and raved about it after tossing around a ball in his garage. :rolleyes:

I will agree though. I am "hyped" about the new nikebauer gloves. I have freakishly tiny hands and would like to find a form fitting glove. The best I could find was a ccm 456 *and my coach wouldn't let me use it in game..

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IF that is the case, they're not losing...they're making more than 5% on the interest...

Ok, what I'd like to know is what kind of bank account these guys have that they are getting 5% on their money? I think I'll have to call BS on that one, JR.

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IF that is the case, they're not losing...they're making more than 5% on the interest...

Ok, what I'd like to know is what kind of bank account these guys have that they are getting 5% on their money? I think I'll have to call BS on that one, JR.

You don't think that taking a pre-order from March to June, they won't make a decent amount back in interest?

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Guest Muck

In an agressive portfolio, they could make 10-12% annually. If they run specials like this every year, with a ton of money soaking up interest, guess what? They killed your 5%.

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figure in the money for ALL pre-orders being lumped into one account with daily compounding interest. 5% seems reasonable

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ahh..making your money in april on a skate launched in july and $ due in Oct-Dec...god bless it...nice cash flow for any business..and that's what its about in this industry low margins and all...

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ahh..making your money in april on a skate launched in july and $ due in Oct-Dec...god bless it...nice cash flow for any business..and that's what its about in this industry low margins and all...

I was waiting for someone to mention that the dealer has the consumer's $ for about 6 months before the dealer pays for the skates. So, 5% or 10%, it doesn't really matter. The dealer has the consumer's $ long before the consumer gets the skates and long before he pays the vendor for the skates.

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My company does pre-orders.  You'd be amazed by how many people actually do it.

It just reinforces my belief that marketing is more important than product quality. It's easier to tell people you make a good product than it is to make a good product.

Yeah but for every NBH there is an Eagle, or Inno, which under promise and over-deliver.

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My company does pre-orders.  You'd be amazed by how many people actually do it.

It just reinforces my belief that marketing is more important than product quality. It's easier to tell people you make a good product than it is to make a good product.

Yeah but for every NBH there is an Eagle, or Inno, which under promise and over-deliver.

They're both over-rated and over priced in my mind and the customer service is less than stellar in my experince. The 1100/Dolomite has been around for how long without any substantial improvement? If Easton RBK or NBH tried that, they would get killed.

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Well I got size 10 D  and they said with the 5% off it would bring it under $500 to about $497 with free shipping

And by the way I have tried these on

A few dollars more than cost? are you serious? i beleive you are lying.

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Well I got size 10 D  and they said with the 5% off it would bring it under $500 to about $497 with free shipping

And by the way I have tried these on

A few dollars more than cost? are you serious? i beleive you are lying.

Thats great that you think i'm lying but really why would I lie about somthing stupid like a price of the skates. So while you think i'm lieing i'm laughing at you for wasting your time with this

and by the way they dont charge you until they recieve the skates in june!

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