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Scary Movie 4

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I went to see it tonight, I thought it was pretty funny, but it didn't seem as long as the other ones. I thought the funniest part was the war of the worlds parody in the guys basement when they're talking about war. "Like the war between humans and maggots, or dragons and wolves, or when humans ride dragons and throw wolves at maggots."(I'm sure that's not exact but it's close) I'd say it was a success. What do you guys think.

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personally i thought it was dumb,not as funny as the older ones. and whats up with ppl getting hit in the head the whole movie? . go see slevin, get your moneys worth.

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I saw it tonight. It was very funny. I don't know, I loved the beginning with Shaq and Dr. Phil. I was laughing throughout the whole movie. Loved it. Definitely short though.

And Hockeyman, you were right on with that quote haha

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I hope they dont start to ruin the series. I thought the scary movies were hilarious but date movie was horrible.

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Wasn't as good as the others if you watch all of them quite closely. The head hitting was quite funny at first but then got REALLY boring. The funniest part was when the guy was taking the piss out of Tom Cruise being on Oprah. That was hilarious!

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I thought it was funny, what were the two retarted people that they kept coming back too? (ex. Running into tree, then the house) I thought it was funny when the priest was like, "Who'd like to say grace?" and the Handicapped guy stood up and said " Pip pip, Pip Pip Vagina" it was so stupid it was funny

But it was quite funny

I wanna see the Ringer, and Benchwarmers

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the ringer is so funny

i thought scary movie four was pretty funny. i thohgut the funniest part was the viagra part...

The ironic thing was i had a concussion the day before, and when I saw that scene I was thinking he was taking pain killers (before the movie let us all know it was viagra). So I said "Yeah thats what I was doing with my painkillers yesterday..."

Two seconds later all my friends turned around and looked at me and asked what I was really doing the night before. They still don't trust me.

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I thought it was going to be dumb but it beat my expectations and i found it really funny. Fav' part was when the robot from War of the Worlds humps the vacuum haha i thought that was great.

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