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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SportChek One90's!

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So during my shift the other day i decided to kill some time and while checking our web portal for stock, i typed in one90's, just for fun. Not only was i shocked to see that the skate was in our system, in both junior and senior sizes, but the price was only $699.99 (Cdn). No stock was available, but its nice to know the skate is the same price as the XXX's.

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It cant be $699.99 CDN i work at National Sports and we are gonna sell them for $799.99. Us and Sport Chek are under the same ownership ...usually Sport Chek has higher prices.

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It cant be $699.99 CDN i work at National Sports and we are gonna sell them for $799.99. Us and Sport Chek are under the same ownership ...usually Sport Chek has higher prices.

yeah same here were 8bills also.

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I was surprised to see the $699.99 also, let alone the fact that we're gonna be carrying them. But hey, who cares if they're priced wrong, if they come up as 699, thats wut they're gonna sell at right?

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sport cheks are generally not very well organized. i wouldnt be surprised if they were priced wrong

Yah one time I went and was looking at golf drivers. This was a couple years ago...they had the TaylorMade R580 which at that time was retailing for 400 something but was on sale for 300. I was at the clearence center at Dixie Mall, there was one left with the wrapper still on it but didnt have a sales tag. So I asked the sales person how much it was, he couldnt find the price so he was like I will take a price of an 11-piece golf set divide it by 11 and give it to you at the price of that a club comes too. He even ran this by the store manager and the manager said ok. I ended up paying $20 for it... :D Saved over 400 bucks :P

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I was surprised to see the $699.99 also, let alone the fact that we're gonna be carrying them. But hey, who cares if they're priced wrong, if they come up as 699, thats wut they're gonna sell at right?

No they will adjust the price to $799.99

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Yah, we do some stupid stuff with prices. For some reason my store got a vector pro skate (just one pair), so we put them on the wall for 599 (or wutever the price was everywhere else). A guy comes in interested in them, is gonna buy them, then gets offered 100 off by my manager...

And sales we have are usually very vaguely described giving customers a lot of loop holes lol

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It cant be $699.99 CDN i work at National Sports and we are gonna sell them for $799.99. Us and Sport Chek are under the same ownership ...usually Sport Chek has higher prices.

well that is not what is says here ^

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Its only $. You must be new to MSH. Money is not an object here, it is just the means to get what we want: everything! JK........

I'm looking forward to selling these skates and watch the customers eyes pop when they hear the price.

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Its only $. You must be new to MSH. Money is not an object here, it is just the means to get what we want: everything! JK........

I'm looking forward to selling these skates and watch the customers eyes pop when they hear the price.

and when they ask for a deal on them

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Its only $. You must be new to MSH. Money is not an object here, it is just the means to get what we want: everything! JK........

I'm looking forward to selling these skates and watch the customers eyes pop when they hear the price.

I am going to be at the ice house a lot for spring hockey, we have a game tuesday night, i'll stop in and then you can tell me when they are goig to be i nthe shop, that day i'll come it and have an outburst on how much they are, so it's gunna be me that will burst the first bubble.

If you don't get what I ust said that nvm, cuz I am too tired to explain it.

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