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Pissed Off Moments

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I kinda had an idea about saying the moment you have been the most pissed off in your life. I think I am kinda living mine. My roomate applied for the same job I did after i told him I was applying for it. He got a call back, so did I. Went to our 2 first interview. Today he just called back and got the job. The worst thing is that I know I have better references than him and I probably did better in both written and oral interviews, but he probably got the job because is mother is always whinning to everyone and she probably called the federal deputee to ask him to give her son a push for the job. And he (my roomate) is what you call an "ass licker".

Anyway, what is you're most pissed off moment?

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What an asshat. Does he play? Line him up...

Seriously, I can't remember any specific pissed off moment, but I was pretty pissed at my parents and my brother last year after a situtation happened with my family. I haven't talked to my brother in more than a year and I haven't talked to my parents in 6 months. Don't plan on ever speaking to them again, either. I guess you could say I'm pretty pissed at them still.

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Last year at the show in Vegas. My wife had our dog put to sleep while I was out of town, on my birthday. She had been sick for a while and it was probably the right thing to do but I was still not happy.

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I had something similar. I was with a new company for about half a year and me and a female colleague were basically competing for a promotion to department manager...well it was quite a battle somehow but after some time she became really friendly to me...I got suspicious and found out she was doin "some extra work" under the branch managers table if you know what I mean....that made me sick and I quit that job

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Hockey related actually-

we were up in a far away city for about 3 games. We had two in one day and had to do an overnighter for the 3rd game. That 3rd game was later that night so we had all day to sit around and do nothing in some town.

We finally get to play and the other team forgot to scheduale refs. It was an important game so we couldnt just scrimage becuase it would have been against league polocies plus we planned on playing a pretty ruff game.

So the crappy part is spending about $70 on hotel and $70 that day doing activitys.

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Hockey related actually-

we were up in a far away city for about 3 games. We had two in one day and had to do an overnighter for the 3rd game. That 3rd game was later that night so we had all day to sit around and do nothing in some town.

We finally get to play and the other team forgot to scheduale refs. It was an important game so we couldnt just scrimage becuase it would have been against league polocies plus we planned on playing a pretty ruff game.

So the crappy part is spending about $70 on hotel and $70 that day doing activitys.

Dude, if that is the worst of your problems, I envy you.

I remember when I was a teenager at a pickup baseball game, some kids were playing and this one little guy (4 yrs old or something) was just bawling because it wasn't his turn to bat. This adult came up to him and said "Don't cry now, life gets much worse." hahah..

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O wow i forgot aobut this one. Forget the other post this one is by far my worst.

We are going to colorado for vacatoin and it is about 20 hour drive from here. My dad decides hes gona buy us some portable tv's and each of the kids gets to choose three new DVD's

My dad just leaves it all in the van 2 days before the trip so we dont have to re pack it. next morning its all gone All that money we had spent on the dvd's and tv's was like $400. for two dvd players and 10 dvds

So now its the night were supposed to leave and my dad being really excited for the trip wants to make us happy and goes and buys it all over again. He didnt care about cost at that time. So my dad buys another $400 of that stuff and is packing all night long because its the night before and wana leave early that morning.He stopped packing at about 2 and were leaving at 5 so he figures noones gona come back and steal something within 3 hours. so we wake up that morning and everything in the van is gone.

so we lost $800 in two nights . The second night was my dads fault though for not learning a lsson the first time.

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Wait.... So someone straight up just went into your van and stole everthing you just bought over night and then it happened again?

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Racist moment at school. 3 guys kept picking on me during dinner (Yeah, I went to a "preppy" school), shouting names and hitting me while passing. When we were leaving, I just lost my cool and just kicked all their asses (I managed to make their heads bleed somehow :D). A teacher saw me and I told her that they've been racially offending me. All 3 kids got expelled and I didn't get one punishment for the ass kickings I gave. Booyah!

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Haha, well there this thing called Alberta Cup and what every region you live in, in Alberta you try out against some other teams from the same region and they choose the best players out of those teams. Well my best freind is fairly good at hockey but I'm much better than him. He plays Bantam AA and I play AAA. He didn't even want to try out for the team, but his dad ended up making him. Well long story short, I thought I did much better than him and he ended up making the team along with some other terrible players. I didn't. I was a bit mad becuase I don't know what the coach was thinking or what he wanted, but for some reason he chose them over me.

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Haha, well there this thing called Alberta Cup and what every region you live in, in Alberta you try out against some other teams from the same region and they choose the best players out of those teams. Well my best freind is fairly good at hockey but I'm much better than him. He plays Bantam AA and I play AAA. He didn't even want to try out for the team, but his dad ended up making him. Well long story short, I thought I did much better than him and he ended up making the team along with some other terrible players. I didn't. I was a bit mad becuase I don't know what the coach was thinking or what he wanted, but for some reason he chose them over me.

I had the same deal in that Alberta Cup stuff. I thought I played pretty good in the tryouts, got something like 3 or 4 goals and a few assists in the three scrimmage games, made some good hits etc etc, then a bunch of the guys off my winter team made it and I didn't. That was annoying enough, then I saw the coach a while later and he told me I had a great tryout and was in the top 19 outta 17 skaters but just didn't make it. It worked out ok though cause I got to play a lot more golf while the other boys ran practices every night, plus most thought the coach was a bit of a douchebag, so I'm alright with it now.

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Most pissed off moment: Finding out that if I'd waited just 19 more days, I could have had my first marriage (to a girl who, once she had the ring on, was a truly abusive psychotic beotch in every sense of the word) annulled because it would have been a whole calender year since we did the nasty (under BC law, a marriage can be annulled if you go a full year with no nookie). Instead, we divorced a few months later, and courts being what they are, I got taken to the cleaners.


Edited to add: Don't ask me why one arm is bigger than the other...

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Most pissed off moment: Finding out that if I'd waited just 19 more days, I could have had my first marriage (to a girl who, once she had the ring on, was a truly abusive psychotic beotch in every sense of the word) annulled because it would have been a whole calender year since we did the nasty (under BC law, a marriage can be annulled if you go a full year with no nookie). Instead, we divorced a few months later, and courts being what they are, I got taken to the cleaners.


Edited to add: Don't ask me why one arm is bigger than the other...

bitch... all you girls out there who read this, don't be like her...

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What an asshat. Does he play? Line him up...

Seriously, I can't remember any specific pissed off moment, but I was pretty pissed at my parents and my brother last year after a situtation happened with my family. I haven't talked to my brother in more than a year and I haven't talked to my parents in 6 months. Don't plan on ever speaking to them again, either. I guess you could say I'm pretty pissed at them still.

What could you're family possibly do to make you never forgive them? They're your family dude.

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What an asshat.   Does he play?  Line him up...   

Seriously, I can't remember any specific pissed off moment, but I was pretty pissed at my parents and my brother last year after a situtation happened with my family.   I haven't talked to my brother in more than a year and I haven't talked to my parents in 6 months.  Don't plan on ever speaking to them again, either.  I guess you could say I'm pretty pissed at them still.

What could you're family possibly do to make you never forgive them? They're your family dude.

Well for one thing, tell me that my wife is not their family and is "poison to the faimly"... edit.. when my wife did absolutely nothing wrong.

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I can't speak for Analog, but I didn't talk to my mother for nearly six months, and haven't to my sister for about nine months now.

They each did something that really, really, really pissed me off, so I told myself that I wouldn't speak to them until I heard an apology. If the apology had come the next day when it should have, I would have done what I saw on a bumper sticker: F.I.D.O. - Forget It And Drive On.

Instead, the silence takes on a life of its own.

It's amazing how many people are scared to say "I was wrong. I'm sorry." Big deal, when you're wrong say you're wrong! I can't tell you how many times I've told that to my wife over our marriage, or if I didn't feel I was wrong I've said, "I understand you feel hurt, and I'm sorry for that, but I don't believe I've done anything wrong." At the very least it got a dialogue started.

This kind of leads into a quote that might be my favorite. "It is the weak who are cruel. Gentleness can only come from one who is strong." If you think about why most people won't admit they were wrong -- because they think it's a sign of weakness -- then you can understand how true that statement is.

So what's the result in my situation? I've spoken to my mother, but she felt I should have understood the situation she was in. I did understand, but that doesn't mean I accepted it being taken out on me. Unfortunately, I don't feel as close to her because it was allowed to fester for six months. My sister? Who knows when I'll speak to her -- that's up to her....

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Mine was last year. I had done a reference check for a city job I was working at. I went about about it as normal since I've been clean my whole life. I was shocked to see that I had a criminal record and Knew once my job saw it I would be canned. The reference letter was completely sketchy yet the lawyer I got couldn't do anything about it. The crime I apparently was involved in happened when I was 14. But under Ontario law, even if you did do a crime your name can't be released cause your a minor. So after a series of intense meetings with the city, they realized this is BS, the Police F*#[ked up large. They hired me a lawyer under Union rules and looked into it. My name was cleared within 7 days. They had mistakingly put this crime under my name. Redicoluos. People get deported for that crap or even worse. I was looking into suing but then I just let it be. It was dragged out for a few months but glad it all worked out. I would recommend getting a reference check once in a while cause you never know and it take a while to fix which could affect you getting a job.

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Guest Muck
I can't speak for Analog, but I didn't talk to my mother for nearly six months, and haven't to my sister for about nine months now.

They each did something that really, really, really pissed me off, so I told myself that I wouldn't speak to them until I heard an apology. If the apology had come the next day when it should have, I would have done what I saw on a bumper sticker: F.I.D.O. - Forget It And Drive On.

Instead, the silence takes on a life of its own.

It's amazing how many people are scared to say "I was wrong. I'm sorry." Big deal, when you're wrong say you're wrong! I can't tell you how many times I've told that to my wife over our marriage, or if I didn't feel I was wrong I've said, "I understand you feel hurt, and I'm sorry for that, but I don't believe I've done anything wrong." At the very least it got a dialogue started.

This kind of leads into a quote that might be my favorite. "It is the weak who are cruel. Gentleness can only come from one who is strong." If you think about why most people won't admit they were wrong -- because they think it's a sign of weakness -- then you can understand how true that statement is.

So what's the result in my situation? I've spoken to my mother, but she felt I should have understood the situation she was in. I did understand, but that doesn't mean I accepted it being taken out on me. Unfortunately, I don't feel as close to her because it was allowed to fester for six months. My sister? Who knows when I'll speak to her -- that's up to her....

Thank God, a decent post. I was about to go friggin' hang myself due to reading the lamest thread in the history of boards.

My daddy... blah, blah, blah... I got beat out for our hockey team... blah, blah, blah... I beat up 17 dudes at one time for no reason because I'm a badass... blah, blah, blah.

Jesus, life sucks sometimes. Family is worth being upset over. A marriage is worth being upset over. Not hockey. Not some chump in a cafe.

$#!t happens. Get used to it.


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I agree with Muck.

I tend to let things roll off my back and take them in stride.

There have only been two times that I have been extreamly upset.

Once, my super whore roommate made racist comments to three of my best friends to their faces.

THAT does not fly with me.

The other time my ex boyfriend thought he was so big and great and smacked me across the room.


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