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Whats Your Favorite MLB Team

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I think the Phils are lucky that the NL East is this muddled right now. Hell, I think the lowly Braves are still around 5 games within first. I can't imagine what they'd be like if they kept Rolen. Chalk another victim up to Philly coach/mgmt-player relations.

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I don't know how you can say that... The Phils have the best record in MLB from the middle of April until now. They started off 1-6 and it looks like most of their troubles are behind them. I think they still need to get used to their new park, which is a launching pad so far.

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mack: I am from T.O. and I despise the Jays, their manegment has screwed them over 1,000,000x, only the Doc is God!

Go BOSox! Noooooommmmmaaaaarrrrr.....we need him back! Great team, this is our year (finally)!

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But how many games have been against other NL East teams? Hell, if it weren't for the Mets and Marlins the Braves wouldn't have 3 wins it seems. I figured the NL East would be a very competitive division but didn't plan on the teams playing this bad. Of course this holds true for what I had thought of the Central as well.

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Well damn, that gives it credibility. I don't know, do they have a shot at the NL? I had STL winning the NL and Boston in the AL but I have little faith in STL's staff holding up. I figured the Phils' staff was good but that park just seems like it's anti-pitcher. Haven't seen a whole game shown there but it looks like they're playing in a hatbox.

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I predicted the Phils, Cards, and Giants winning their divisions. With the Astros taking the wild card. I think the Phils staff is deep enough to withstand some injuries and they have a good lineup and defense. The only real problem they have is they're too dependent on the home run to win games. I wished they played a little more "small ball".

About the stadium... it's been a joke so far. They wanted to give it very similar dimension as the Vet. So, down the lines, in the gaps, and center field all are the same as the old stadium. The problem is the wind patterns (the same ones that make it very difficult to kick field goals at the football stadium). The ball really carries to left field. And not just pop-ups, line drives just sail out of there.

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I thought the Cubs would have been the other team to make the playoffs and not the Astros, but I also didn't think Clemens would be undefeated at this point. Did the Phils get Paul Byrd back? I thought that was a good pickup by the Braves until he got injured and I thought they'd have kept him. Of course I didn't think Time-Warner would be as chintzy as they have been either.

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Well, I think I predicted it after Prior was said to be out until the all-star game. I figured Clement was either hit or miss. I knew Zambrano was good, but not this good. With Wood now out, I'm not sure how they'll do. They definitely have a shot though and are dangerous come playoff time with all those good arms.

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Been a BoSox fan since I was a whee tike but have always liked the phillies too. I was really let down that they werent playing each other this year at the new park.

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Cubs also have some depth on the bench and I think that's huge come October when you have to put in the DH.

Clement had the stuff but I never thought he'd put it together like he has and no way did I think Zambrano would be this good this fast. Until this past year all he had was his fastball but now he's using everything. As for Houston, I figured it'd depend on Baggio/Bagwell hitting but Berkman has been a beast.

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Gotta love the Xpos, lol just kidding, no fav team for me, lost interest in the sport after the lockout.

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Since I'm in Sweden and baseball isn't hardly even heard of here, I don't really follow baseball (but it's pretty fun to watch), but I'd say my favorite team is the Royals. The reason would be that I've seen their farm team a few times in person and enjoyed the experience alot.

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My Dad and a couple of his friends split a Sunday ticket pack for the Yanks, get to about 5 games a year plus one or two playoff games.

I love the Red Sox fans... "This is definatly our year!!"

What's the difference between a Yankee hot dog and a Fenway one?

You can buy a Yankee one in October :D !

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The only MLB team cap i got is the BoSox, but i'm pretty impartial when it comes to MLB... its a good day out to eat and drink... bit like being a couch potato in fresh air

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The Cards all the way, but I don't follow baseball much if at all. I can't stand watching anything but highlights on tv, but going to a game is always a good time.

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Guest Datsyuk*13

The blue Jays! 3 TIMe world series champs baby! 92,93,94

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