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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What stick is Gagne using today?

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  JR Boucicaut said:
  sogaduch said:
suprised he isnt using the wood colour vapor XXX
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Has there been anyone in the NHL with that stick? I don't think so...I think it was an one-off for the outdoor OSU-UW game.

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nah i hear there releasing a wood coloured vapor this year. saw it at my reps kids practices

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Mike Mike Mike, stick to Goalie Equipment ^_^

These are the pros. It'll probably be a Fall release, like Chadd said

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haha ebondo..talk to me when uc an play on the same leval as me ;) , WHats with the por, bauer geat having the nike swoosh on it? will re-tale gear have it soon to?

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Man, you need some typing lessons. retail does have the Nike swoosh on it, just look at the latest XXX-Lites.

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I also noticed this stick as soon as I saw it. Also, what stick is Kapanen using? It was blacked out tonight, but he started the season with a Fury and has lately been using an Easton.

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Yes, this stick looks nice but i'm asking the same thing as devilsrule...isn't the green reebok early too? A lot of players seem to be using it.

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It kinda looked like an Endure, just the red was a One90 blue.

And Kapanen was using an ST. I saw chips of the paint when he was on the bench and it was blue like the ST.

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If you think about it, its the logical thing for nbh to do. Their new one90 skate and gloves are as hot as sin right now.. why not use that marketing idea for the biggest selling piece of equipment.... sticks.

NBH is teasing us with a new stick.. they probably knew that nobody except enthusiests (like MSH members) would notice...

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