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Are you LH or RH?

what hand is the stick you use?  

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Just a little interesting tidbit of information I heard somewhere, most Americans are right handed because they learn to play baseball before hockey oftentimes and thus learn to bat right-handed. As a result, they hold their stick left hand over right. Meanwhile, many Russian and East European players learn to play hockey with their dominant hand on top (right) for enhanced stick control, thus explaining why they're oftentimes left-handed. I'm not positive on the validity of this statement, but it makes sense to me.

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You could be right about the baseball bat thing. But interestingly enough, my 60 year old dad who never held a hockey stick before and is right handed (batted right, throws right), picked up my stick and said it felt more comfortable holding it left handed. So maybe its all just a comfort level thing. Holding a LH stick to me just feels odd.

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Most players in Scandinavia are Left-handed, since they have the pre-dominant hand on top.

In GB they play field hockey in elementary schools, and all the sticks are RH, so that's why the most of their hockey players play RH (Told so by a British team)

In Brasil, the main distributor only imports RH sticks, so most of them play RH too. (Told to the Swedish National team, by a Brasillian official, before playing Brasil at the World Inline Championships)

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I must be a weird one-I play hockey as a left shot-bat right handed-golf right handed-right hand shot when hunting

But I cant hit a bull in the butt with a bass fiddle if I try to play hockey as a right shot-when I played goal I was a regular right handed goaltender

I guess it goes to show the only time Im in my RIGHT mind is when Im playing out!!!!

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I play hockey baseball golf or any other sport i have ever tried all left handed and i write left handed also. some people have tried to tell me i should play hockey right handed but it just feels really weird i cant do it.

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alot of people are/were taught to use thier dominant hand as the top hand, a majority of the world is right handed, so that would make thier stick a left handed.

This was an older way of thinking. I think alot of "Americans" (me included) put thier dominant hand low because we are taught that way from coaches or parents or because a right handed stick was what was available.

IMHO if a little kid is learning they should use an old style straight blade to see what is more comfortable....then buy the handed stick.

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My brothers and I all learned on a straight stick, well actually I learned playing Ringette.

Two of us are LH, one is RH.

I can shoot either way (from Ringette) but I prefer left. I actually used a straight stick for a while and even now I have a pretty flat blade.

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IMHO if a little kid is learning they should use an old style straight blade to see what is more comfortable....then buy the handed stick.

That's what a lot of people suggest; I think it makes a lot of sense, and assuming my kids get into hockey, what I plan to do.

My wife writes right-handed, kicks (soccer) right-footed, etc, but plays hockey with a left-handed stick. I always thought it was strange, but the "dominant hand on top" idea makes a lot of sense in retrospect--especially since you end up one-handing the stick around a lot, so having your stronger hand available for that might be a good idea.

Personally I'm a righty; shoot right, bat right, catch with my left, kick with either foot (but stronger on the right).

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Your dominate hand also controls all the moves, hence stronger dekes ect...

I write right handed, bat right (well switch, but started right), golf right, kick right, throw right, but shoot left.

My boyfriend is left handed, bats right, golfs left, kicks right, throws right and shoots left.

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I think I'm a righty because I golfed and batted for so long as a righty, and in both sports the left hand is at the top of the club or bat. Although I don't think I even knew the difference when I started to play hockey. My right arm is stronger than my left, so I have been working at building up my left arm's strength.. it makes a big difference in being able to control the puck one handed.

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I shoot left, bat right, throw right, and am right handed. I remember my uncle bought me my first hockey stick and it was RH. But I'd use it lefty since it was more comfortable, and I had a sick backhand because the curve was essentially backwards.

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There is a study that I have referenced before that links whether you shoot with your dominant hand on the top of the stick vs down on that shaft based on the age at which you began using a hockey stick. The younger you started, the more likely that you will have your dominant hand at the top of the stick.

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alot of people are/were taught to use thier dominant hand as the top hand, a majority of the world is right handed, so that would make thier stick a left handed.

This was an older way of thinking. I think alot of "Americans" (me included) put thier dominant hand low because we are taught that way from coaches or parents or because a right handed stick was what was available.

IMHO if a little kid is learning they should use an old style straight blade to see what is more comfortable....then buy the handed stick.

I used a straight stick when i was 3-4 to figure out what I was, a righty or a lefty. It didn't help that i had a really good backhand (I'm a lefty) so it took awhile to figure out what I should shoot (since my backhand would be my forehand on a righty, I guess). Eventually, I settled on being a lefty. My backhand is still pretty good, I always have the best one on my teams.

I'm always a righty in everything else that I do though, except for lacrosse.

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