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How to get rich parents to buy you everything?

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My parents are filthy rich, but they just don't seem to put out like some other rich parents do for their MSH'ers. I thought you guys whose parents have lots of money and buy you everything might have some tips. I'd like to not have to be in the club that doesn't "bite the hand that feeds them," if you know what I mean....

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I'm thinking it's for gear. I don't know what it's like to come from a filthy rich family, but my parents always had enough extra to make sure they could do some for me every now and again. They always made me work for things though, and I'd advise you to take the route I did: barter your time and work for what you want them to buy you. I still do this from time to time as an adult with them, usually doing landscaping or property maintenance type stuff to earn some spare coin for leagues and such. It's amazing to parents when their kids asks "What can I do to earn X amount of money?" as opposed to "Will you buy me X?"

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Describe filthy rich.

Good parents will want their kids to earn the things they want. And "thrifty" parents just won't spend much money on things they don't value.

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My parents are filthy rich, but they just don't seem to put out like some other rich parents do for their MSH'ers. I thought you guys whose parents have lots of money and buy you everything might have some tips. I'd like to not have to be in the club that doesn't "bite the hand that feeds them," if you know what I mean....

hook up with ur mom?

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probably the dumbest topic ive ever seen

Other than maybe the 100 posts of what stick is the best or what curve should i use.


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obviously some people don't or can't read... but I get a :lol: out of the responses!


btw guys, I'm 29 and as some of you might know from other posts, I don't even speak to my parents...

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Well, if you really want to get them to buy the stuff, then speaking to them would definately be a start xD

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Do what most sneaky kids do... sneak into their purse/wallet and steal a few Benjamins. That should get you started at least.

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Well, if you really want to get them to buy the stuff, then speaking to them would definately be a start xD

but first u have to check out if they are really rich :lol:

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Bitch and moan in the pro-shop in front of a lot of people complaining how their beatings hurt and the crap they feed you makes you get the runs...ect. Seems to work around here. Ohhhh lol I also had a kids tell his dad that the BRAND NEW (at the time) XXX Lite was 15% off and 10x's more durable than his POS Sher-wood RM7. "Dad I SWEAR it'll last me a year!" :lol:

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This would work perfectly, even better since you're 29.

Take your parents into the Pro shop, and pull the ole "Dead weight" stunt and grab onto them! we've all done it!

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