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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I want big bulky gloves (don’t ask why)

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Preferably Eagle or Easton? Having the option to get them custom (made or in orange wouldn’t be a bad thing either).... It may be an odd request but that’s what I think I want. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks guys and gals!


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Go into your LHS and try some on.. when youre done trying them on and you find a pair that are bulky enough, buy them :)

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Preferably Eagle or Easton? Having the option to get them custom (made or in orange wouldn’t be a bad thing either).... It may be an odd request but that’s what I think I want. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks guys and gals!


Last season Easton made some Bright Orange and Bright Yellow gloves , they were a bit bulky ?

You could prob get them for cheap now

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those synergy edition airs not very bulky just regular airs or ultra lites in synergy colors

my suggestion is get some MIA MB33 they are MIA's largest gloves (not size wise but bigger and looser) and you can get them in any color no matter what ( i think) fully customizably try it out on miasports.com click the customizer

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I think some of the CCM Tack gloves are really bulky...maybe you should check them out. Also some of the high end Bauer SDP form recent years are really bulky...were the called 800 or 8000 or something? I don´t remember but those were huge when I saw them on a teammate.

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jake.... well I didn’t want anyone to ask because I don’t have a good reason. i just always have liked big monstrous looking gloves. Also there’s a minor theory that bigger gloves give more protection and looser fit, but it may be unfounded.

Bidkitty… the local hockey store doesn’t have anything hardly in way of selection, and none of them are one color. There all have 7 different colors on each glove alone. (exaggeration of course) i just want one color. Preferably orange.

dlightning yea the Easton gloves fit the color requirement but there not that big, though i would settle for them, I cant find any anymore, I should of just bought the ones i saw back in the day.

devisrule I’ll check out the mia sight so far it looks interesting, thank you. And I picked the devils to win the cup, 6 games each round, but there already screwing that plan with the rangers.

(not turn this into a devils/rangers thread, I really just want to find big bulky gloves!

But I am still open to suggestions, a lot of you are familiar with brands I’ve never even hard of, so keep suggesting, also eagle does make custom stuff, which is the biggest/bulkiest eagle glove that I guess I could just customize?

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The reviews I have read say that the Salming gloves are large, and they are on not very expensive, I have not tried them though. I have tried on Sande MaxPro's and those were quite roomy and loose feeling, although I don't really consider them to be "bulky". Are you looking for something that fits loose or has a large outside dimension to the glove?

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I'd say the Salming PG1's are one of the most bulky gloves that I have tried on. Definitely more bulky than any of the Vapor line of gloves.

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There's a guy on our team who had a pair of TPS gloves, and they were huge, and bulky. Not sure what ones they were though.

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We have a Bud Light glove in our dressing room. It is HUGE (39") and very bulky. But we only have the right glove if you can find the missing pair I'll sell it to you.

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http://cheapjims.com , they make custom gloves similar to Muskoka.I got a pair of the 13.5" gloves and they fit like 15" .Definately the biggest and bulkiest gloves Ive ever seen.I cant even use them they are so big on my hands. They are very well built though and they are Made in Canada(Or so the tag says)

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check out the bauer 5000 if you can find them. i go a pair of pro return. triple density foam, plastic inserts, and lock thumb. best glove i've ever owned.

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also why not just get any loose fitting glove like Eagle/Muskoka/MIA MB 33 just in a bigger size or any glove for that matter

and Dorph the highest it will go this round will be 5 games if the Rangers get some MSG spark

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the stranger: I guess that’s what I’m looking for, large outside dimension to the glove.

gavin: I have seen that bud light glove, and I wish I could find two of them because that'd just be ideal...

jrhky35: I like what I see so far of the Bauer gloves, I actually found a return of a phoenix players, which match my teams colors.... any idea if these gloves or still made? Or there a previous years model? If these could be custom made still that might do it for me...

devilsrule: that... actually makes way to much sense, I don’t know why I never thought of that... bigger inch glove, bigger glove... I only taught 6 because eh, its 6 games everyone predicts 6 games, but I think devils are sweeping up on new York, then will have some fun with the Canadians and eventually will win there whatever cup in whatever many years (I forget).

To everyone else, thanks for posing and any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated, no ones commented specifically on eagle, any reason, or just hasn’t come up? And thanks to everyone, you all are very helpful.

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If you want a big, ugly, bulky glove get a Fury 9145. They also make them in a god-awful dayglo orange.

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sher-wood gloves looking kind of bulky to me, x6, 9950 pro or the 5030 traditionals... ansolutely no clue if they do customized colours, i bet they wouldn´t, at least orange? <_<

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The older style GRAF 600/700 gloves are pretty beefy, not much has changed with the newer G3/G5 style either...a place on Ebay called goalie heaven always has those Grafs available.

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If you want a big, ugly, bulky glove get a Fury 9145. They also make them in a god-awful dayglo orange.

Fury is just don the street from me , they will make custom gloves for you

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