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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sticks On Plane

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When you guys travel on planes and bring along your sticks? do you check them in? How do you wrap them to prevent breakages or have anyone experience breakage?

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I've only had one experience traveling on the plane with sticks but it was essentially our whole team and we just taped up all the sticks in one big bundle with the goalie's sticks on the outside. No problems with them breaking this way. I know a couple of the guys came home together and they just taped their sticks (4-5) together and didn't have any problems either.

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I traveled from Calgary back to Minnesota with 5 composite sticks. Tape them SECURELY together and the airline will have a large red bag for you to put them in. The bag is used to transport ski poles and ski's. Bring a permanent marker so you can write your name and address on the bag. They will have to be checked, but mine were fine when I flew.

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Wrap them together in tape ya, but when I brought sticks I was allowed to bring it inside the plane and put it above in the little bins. (This was before 9-11)

Id make sure you to the right people before you just throw it in with the rest of the luggage.

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So you mean tape the sticks together and put it in a stick bag?

No, we didn't have them in bags or anything, just taped together and they were fine. Pretty sure your not going to get your sticks on as carry-on post 9/11 so make sure you tape them well!

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How are you able to fit sticks in a stowage bin? Don't you mean your mini-sticks?

Get a stick bag. That will definitely help. If you have shafts and blades, take them apart. I've traveled with shafts and blades, never OPSs.

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If I'm going somewhere to play, any player stick bag will do. If I'm moving, a team bag does the trick. Rbk's is the best I've had.

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Either put them in a stick bag, or tape them together and the airline will give you some plastic to wrap them around. They then go in over sized baggage. Flown a number of long haul flights with my OPSs, never had any problems with it.

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I put them in a stick bag. To avoid extra baggage charges I was informed by a air line employee to say that they are ski poles. I have said that when ever they ask at the check in counter and it has worked for me for a couple of years now.

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On one of my trips both of my sticks were broken when they came out. 2 Synergys both broken :(

The airline agent could not have been more useless in helping me. Most oversized itmes are tagged with a limited release meaning the airline is not liable. I learned later that you are supposed to sign a waiver on this but i never did. I was in Vegas and not 1 store had a single synergy. I had one overnighted from 1800 face off i think which cost me $225. In the end i complained enough to the airline and they sent me a check for $400 to cover the cost of the replacement i had sent and another new stick. When ever its possible i prefer to box them up and either send them UPS ground or get adtl insurance on them at the airport. Another option is many credit card comp will insure luggage, provided you buy the flight with their credit card- you would need to find that out from you CC company. Last option is use some old sticks and tape them arounf the outside of the news sticks for support. My sticks got run over by something as i could see the tire marks on my stick bag!

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Last year when my team went down to NARCh nationals in Florida. We arrived in Ft Meyers at 11:30. Our first game was at 3:30 and our sticks werent due to get down there until 2:45. Not fun. Apparently the hold up was that they thought we were trying to smuggle drugs/explosives and the airline had to hold it so security could double check the bag before they sent it on its way. We used one big giant stick bag and taped them together to reduce any slapping around. Hope I helped.

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damn I thought the thread said Snakes on a Plane

I've never had to pay extra to check my stick bag (2-3 sticks) it just counts as one piece of luggage...as recently as october...always read your airline carriers baggage info and bring it with you to the airport...always good..(like the time an airline allowed no charge on bike shipping for international flights, but wanted to charge me $75 for it on my way to Canada, their mistake for not having intercontinental ) ;)

One thing I do though is to put some socks over the blades so they don't chip up, etc when bouncing around in the cargo compartment..

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damn I thought the thread said Snakes on a Plane

First thing I thought of too....


There's mother#&^%$* sticks on the mother#^%$@! plane!

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I brought 5 OPS's back to Scotland from Toronto recently. I've done this several times now. I taped them together then put cardoard around the blades, heel & 3 pieces up the shaft. Then put several large poly bags over them & taped them up. I've never been charged extra & have never suffered any damage. A bit over the top packaging wise but well worth it.

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My friend was on a team a couple of years ago from edmonton and all of their sticks were lost when flying to abottsford B.C.

I dont know what happened after words but they had to rush out to canadian tire and get sticks for everyone before there game that night.

must have sucked.

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Check the website of the airline that you are flying. Most of them have a "sports equipment" policy where they may or may not count it as a piece of luggage and show you if any additional cost applies.

This is about the only time that I use a stick bag, but I know some guys that just wrap them together with some tape without a problem.


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Last year my team wrapped bundles of 6 sticks with tape (2 rows of 3) for a flight from Newark, NJ to Phoenix and back. When my sticks traveled alone 4 years ago (to Canada), I taped them together and put them in a player stick bag. The bundle of sticks was considered oversized luggage, though I don't recall any extra charge. We just had to pick them up at the oversized luggage claim. My stick bag was checked as normal baggage. No breakages or losses. Make sure you wrap them tight! I know lots of people who have used the tape-the-sticks-together method without any issues. Good luck.

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i didn't have any trouble checking in 1 stick for a Manila-L.A. flight, safe to have it in a stick bag though. as a team we have a team stick bag which fits around 30 sticks including goalie sticks, ITECH if im not mistaken. good to befriend luggage attendants, they help out most of the time.

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