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Sweden reveals new Tre Kronor jerseys

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Here are the new jerseys that Sweden will use from now on. It's funny how they look like those new Nike Swift jerseys although they're made by Reebok (these will be used in exhibition games and tournaments other than the World Championships and Olympics where Nike jerseys are being used by all teams). I don't really like them myself, maybe it was about time to get a new design, but not THIS design.



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Jorgen doesn't look too impressed in the first picture either. I'm not a fan of the square neck. Although it's not form fitting like the NIKE designs, I think Reebok's hands may have been tied by the styling-having to copy the nike striping so there is continuation between competitions. :unsure:

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i dont think they´re too bad, i like them except the commercials and the neck...

its hard to change something so traditional than the tre kronors, but they did a good job!

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If that is what RBK has planned for the re-designed NHL jerseys....it will be a lot better than the super tight Nike design.

Do you know off hand if they are sublimated jerseys or good ole stitched twill?

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If that is what RBK has planned for the re-designed NHL jerseys....it will be a lot better than the super tight Nike design.

Do you know off hand if they are sublimated jerseys or good ole stitched twill?

I don't know off hand, but in the second pic it looks to me like the number and name are stitched, but I could be wrong so don't take my word for it.

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Old ones were a lot better. Olympic/world junior jerseys this year were ugly. Sweden looked sweet because they stuck with their traditional unis. I didn't like the new look, too bad Sweden's going for it now too.

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well for me the kronors and the numbers are not to bad, but i don´t like that new necks everywhere and although the new style of stripes is not really my taste. i hated the olympic jerseys, it´s a shame that the nike jerseys are kinda "slim fit" now, do the make xxxxl jerseys now? they would not fit me over my tiny 5030 sp... :D

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Meh. Not great. Not bad. I have a hard time with the player's name over their asses though. No ads on jerseys! Gawd, can't we keep anything sacred??

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Meh. Not great. Not bad. I have a hard time with the player's name over their asses though. No ads on jerseys! Gawd, can't we keep anything sacred??

The ads wont be there for the World Championships.

The jersey it self is just awful, why wont they just stick with what works?

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They just won gold at the Olympics, why switch jerseys now? :lol:

Because there's money in it for them?

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I do not mind the cut, b/c it is a traditional-fitting jersey, but the kronor and the numbers are ill.

Actually, I was referrign to the cut as well...hopefully all NHL teams don't go to that same horrible stylized font.

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Seeing the blue version in action against the czechs, I can live with the striping, and i'm glad that it is a traditional fit, heck I even liked the neck seeing it in action, but the 'skinny' numbers are just flat out Brutal!

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