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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Recchi clones

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Can someone give me some well known Recchi curve clones? I'm mostly interested in the tapered or low kickpoint type of composites. Using the pattern database I find a few that are very similar (1/2" mid curve, medium/round toe, similar lie), but when I see them firsthand they don't fit my eye very well.

Also, has the recchi curve changed going from woodies to composites? I almost bought a ccm composite, but the curve looked more like 3/4" than 1/2"...too much banana for me. :angry:

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I went from using Recchi curves to Easton's Modano (now known as Forsberg) without much adjustment required.

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I went from using Recchi curves to Easton's Modano (now known as Forsberg) without much adjustment required.

i prefer recchi to easton's forsberg. the easton forsberg has very little curve to it. and rechhi is more open.

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Can someone give me some well known Recchi curve clones? I'm mostly interested in the tapered or low kickpoint type of composites. Using the pattern database I find a few that are very similar (1/2" mid curve, medium/round toe, similar lie), but when I see them firsthand they don't fit my eye very well.

Also, has the recchi curve changed going from woodies to composites? I almost bought a ccm composite, but the curve looked more like 3/4" than 1/2"...too much banana for me. :ph34r:

Christian #4. Although it's more of a toe curve. Same curve depth though

If you want to wait, CCM's Vector 8.0-10.0 composite blades are of the tapered variety. Actually I just saw 8.0s at my LHS last week.

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I saw the Vector 130 on icewarehouse.com, which is a short hosel but I'm not sure if it's tapered. Even if it would work, $79.99 is rather steep for a blade. Do you know how much the Vector 8.0-10.0 will go for? If it's reasonable it would save me alot of grief. But it takes me back to my 2nd question then...did the Recchi curve change from the woodie to the composite?

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I saw the Vector 130 on icewarehouse.com, which is a short hosel but I'm not sure if it's tapered. Even if it would work, $79.99 is rather steep for a blade. Do you know how much the Vector 8.0-10.0 will go for? If it's reasonable it would save me alot of grief. But it takes me back to my 2nd question then...did the Recchi curve change from the woodie to the composite?

The v8.0 blades were retailing for 79.99cdn at my lhs. The pattern should still be a slight mid curve in the composites. it's hard to say with wood blades because they're not consistent. Another similar curve to the recchi is the Easton Heatley. It's not exact but it's close.

And yes the v130 blades are tapered.

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Lindros is as close as you will find

I've had both and P88 Lindros is almost identical to a recchi. Unfortunatly, i think bauer won't make tapered blades again... I'm not sure if it's ok, but i'll plusgmy XV Lindros blade for sell: Bauer XV RH Auction.

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I feel like I'm the only one who keeps saying this, but the Amonte curve on my RBK looks 98% identical to my Recchi.

my amonto reebok and ccm recchit are very different. the amonte curve is much more.

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I use a TPS Messier after using the Recchi and like it much better-very close IMHO

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Does anyone have pics of the following curves? I copied the pattern DB into excel and sorted...supposedly these should be similar lie, shape, and curve. But in my travels I'm pretty sure I've looked at most of them at one point or another and wasn't impressed.

Lindros (P88)

Hossa (PM9)



Kovalchuk (P91/PM6)

I personally think the LeClair curve is dead on, execpt for the lie difference. I have one of each and cannot hit the top corners w/ the LeClair, which I'm blaming on the lie.

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Does anyone have pics of the following curves? I copied the pattern DB into excel and sorted...supposedly these should be similar lie, shape, and curve. But in my travels I'm pretty sure I've looked at most of them at one point or another and wasn't impressed.

Lindros (P88)

Hossa (PM9)



Kovalchuk (P91/PM6)

I personally think the LeClair curve is dead on, execpt for the lie difference. I have one of each and cannot hit the top corners w/ the LeClair, which I'm blaming on the lie.

You would be surprised what you can find on eBay.









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Anything remotley close?

Lots of things are remotely close. Anything sakic-ish would fit that criteria

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Also, has the recchi curve changed going from woodies to composites?  I almost bought a ccm composite, but the curve looked more like 3/4" than 1/2"...too much banana for me.  :angry:

I have three different Recchis, cheapo woodie, 1052 wood/composite combo (3 years old?) and all composite, standard tenon v110 (about 1 year old). I would say the curve is identical on all. If anything, the v110 has slightly less hook than the 1052. The other noticable difference is the v110 has the tallest and most consistent (heel to toe) blade height (depth?). Hope that helps....

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i always thought the rbk datsyuk is pretty similar to the rechhi.

That might be the best one yet, at least judging by the pic on the rbkhockey.com website: reebok curve pic. It looks like it may be a bit of a mid heel curve as opposed to a mid curve, but the depth and openness look closer than the other pics I've seen. Anyone know what the lie of the Datsyuk is?

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Datsyuk has alot more depth to the curve than the Recchi. Like someone else said, Heatley is going to be your closest bet.


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