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serial number sticker on CCM pro stock sticks

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I was attending an AHL playoff game (Grand Rapids Griffins vs. Toronto Marlies) and one of the Marlies players took a slap shot and his CCM Vector stick snapped in half. The bottom half went flying into the stands which I picked up. One of the security staff comes over to me and asks me for the broken stick. He flips it over and pulls off two stickers, one was a serial number and the other I didn't really see too well. Anyhow he says its management rules to pull off these stickers and gives the broken stick back to me. I wonder why these stickers are so important and why they want them back ?

There were about 10 OPS broken that game. All sticks broken by the Grand Rapids team were retrieved by security and returned to the team.

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THC's agreement basically give the AHL unlimited sticks for a set price...Each AHL team gets X number of sticks to start the year, and they are all inventoried. IF they break, they get replacement sticks, but need to return the serial numbers to "redeem" the new sticks.

That's the way I've had it explained to me by some people from the Bulldogs.

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just a thought, but the manufacturer is probably tracking the serial numbers to check for a faulty batch or something of that nature, as well as the team using them to validate new sticks.

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I don't think matching the serial numbers to batch numbers would necessarily be out of the question, would be sound quality assurance.

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I don't think matching the serial numbers to batch numbers would necessarily be out of the question, would be sound quality assurance.

sounds like a reasonable idea to me. The player (Newbry) was using a brand new CCM Vector (tape on blade is brand new and no chips at all on stick) and broke it during pregame warm up and has broken 2 more in the last 2 home playoff games. I personally think that something is wrong with these brand new sticks to be snapping like that.

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No, RadioGaGa is exactly right. They are getting credit on the sticks.

i wonder what the price is per stick charged to the team ? $40-$80 US ?

I am guessing that it must be some discounted price to force your entire team to use CCM/Reebok sticks?

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No, RadioGaGa is exactly right.  They are getting credit on the sticks.

i wonder what the price is per stick charged to the team ? $40-$80 US ?

I am guessing that it must be some discounted price to force your entire team to use CCM/Reebok sticks?

It's a league wide deal between AHL & THC. Sticks, pants, helmets, gloves. Players have a choice in the skates they wear, and it only applies to AHL contracts.

Players on 2-way contracts can use whatever they want.

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No, RadioGaGa is exactly right.  They are getting credit on the sticks.

i wonder what the price is per stick charged to the team ? $40-$80 US ?

I am guessing that it must be some discounted price to force your entire team to use CCM/Reebok sticks?

Flat-rate, not per stick. They get X number of sticks, then they get replacements totaling the number of returns.

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given that, is it confidential information of the flat rate price ? Just curious of what the approximate price is per stick.

ie - $25,000 flat rate for 500 sticks = $50 per stick.

(just a wild example)

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I personally think that something is wrong with these brand new sticks to be snapping like that.

You have to understand that the pro's are using only sticks designed for performance, not durability. Durability is the last thing on their minds. While some brands are better than others for durability, most of the pro sticks break fairly easily. Was watching a game the other nite and Don Cherry at intermission was talking about how many sticks broke during the game and how games were lost by broken sticks, he also went to say that players would never go back to wood, they like the performance too much.

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I personally think that something is wrong with these brand new sticks to be snapping like that.

You have to understand that the pro's are using only sticks designed for performance, not durability. Durability is the last thing on their minds. While some brands are better than others for durability, most of the pro sticks break fairly easily. Was watching a game the other nite and Don Cherry at intermission was talking about how many sticks broke during the game and how games were lost by broken sticks, he also went to say that players would never go back to wood, they like the performance too much.

its true players are using these sticks for performance and durability is not much of an issue to them, but I question how players and coaches can overlook the importance of a player on the ice with no stick due to breakage. You almost literally are on a penalty kill. It happened to me once in a rec league game and I was pretty useless to my team in my own end.

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i was at that game, and i dont recall them letting any fans keep any sticks.

which game did you go to ?

I went to all three (Monday, Thursday and Friday). I got the broken stick on the Friday game. On the Monday game I saw a lady walking around with a broken Vector shaft.

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i was at all three... was she with the stick that flew way up after the grand rapids player broke it on a shot?

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I am not sure when the lady got it. I saw her in the hallway leaving at the end of Monday's game and she was holding practically a full length shaft.

wow, you went to all 3 games too ? you are a dedicated fan.

Although the Marlies lost all 3 games it was pretty entertaining and you can't ask for much more for your entrance ticket. I bought the cheapest tickets and just wandered around and sat in one of the many empty seats.

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yea its pretty good hockey, I have season tickets. Its way better than watching the leafs, especially with maurice coaching.

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I have a question for you about equipment sales ? Did they ever announce anything ? The manager at the Leafs store said the Marlies had a sale about a month ago which I did not know about until it was too late. Supposedly they were clearing out the stock from last year (St. John's Maple Leafs).

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