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Guy Incognito

Who is your favorite American football team?

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heres a random fact about the Big 10.  There is 11 teams in it.

Not really. If you look at the Big Ten logo, you will notice an 11.


Reasons why I follow my teams: I'm from NY, and I lived in Miami for 9 years.

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heres a random fact about the Big 10. There is 11 teams in it.

yeah but name them all...

Penn State

Michigan State


THE Ohio State








I think i did it, maybe. correct me if im wrong

Ill agree...

Pro Green Bay

NCAA Wisconsin

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Pro: Buffalo Bills

College: Notre Dame

As much as I am a die hard bills fan, I think college ball is alot better. It seems like theres no passion or will to win in pro football sometimes.

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Agreed...I don't follow the pro game as much as I follow college.

College football rocks. I follow both fairly closely, however, nothing like a Saturday afternoon watching your favorite team play amidst the spectacle and hype.

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Pro: Buffalo Bills

College: Notre Dame

As much as I am a die hard bills fan, I think college ball is alot better. It seems like theres no passion or will to win in pro football sometimes.

EXACTLY the same as me. I follow college much much much more closely.

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College: Michigan

Pros: Colts but Im a huge Brady fan as I love the way he plays and hes a Michigan guy

I follow the NFL closer strictly because I find it easier to follow, a set standings system and fewer teams. I love watching college football though, especially bowl season, its probably my 4th favourite sporting season behind NHL playoffs, March Madness, and MLB playoffs. Nothing like getting to watch the kids all day Saturday and watch the pros all day Sunday.

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College: no real favorite...who thinks the BCS sucks though?

Pro: New York Jets...take pity on me. Though I've liked the Steelers the last couple seasons because they seemed to have a lot of passion and played great football.

Favorite player: Vick...again, take pity on me. All time fav is Montana

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College: Notre Dame

Pro: Detroit Lions, then Green Bay Packers

Favorite player: Brett Favre

2 teams in the NFC North??? is that even possiblle???

also CFL is Edmonton Eskimos

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