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Guy Incognito

Who is your favorite American football team?

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I guess to add to this, if your team is not based on locale, why/when did you start to like them?

For instance, Miami, Florida is something like 1200 miles away from me. However, I started following them in the early 80's when I was a child and admired a certain QB out of the University of Pittsburgh. His name escapes me now, but I think he holds nearly every passinig record in the NFL. Oh yeah, Marino? I think? ;)

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I liked Denver because they always had their games on TV at home, plus it never got better than Elway.

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College - Penn State

Pro - Steelers

Hey Incognito, what is up with "The" Ohio State name? I just noticed it a couple of years ago but everyone one here in the A2 area says its not official...are they just jealous they didn't come up with it first???

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College - Penn State

Pro - Steelers

Hey Incognito, what is up with "The" Ohio State name? I just noticed it a couple of years ago but everyone one here in the A2 area says its not official...are they just jealous they didn't come up with it first???

Not to be an arrogant fan, but I think so. Kind of like Miami came up with "The U", Ohio State came up with THE OSU. I think it was first used when a Buckeye (I can't remember whom, but I'm thinking Eddie George era) introduced himself in the lineup on MNF or similar national broadcast, he said his name and then his school as THE Ohio State University. I think it started as kind of a goof, then came about as it gained momentum.

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College: Notre Dame

Pro: Seahawks.(Grandma lives there, use to go there lots.)

Since im canadian though my actually fav pro team is diff. I am a Saskatchewan Roughriders fan (home team)

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College - Penn State

Pro - Steelers

Hey Incognito, what is up with "The" Ohio State name? I just noticed it a couple of years ago but everyone one here in the A2 area says its not official...are they just jealous they didn't come up with it first???

Because it sounds better than "the community college of the big 10" or "booster infraction university"

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College - Penn State

Pro - Steelers

Hey Incognito, what is up with "The" Ohio State name?  I just noticed it a couple of years ago but everyone one here in the A2 area says its not official...are they just jealous they didn't come up with it first???

Because it sounds better than "the community college of the big 10" or "booster infraction university"

heres a random fact about the Big 10. There is 11 teams in it.


college- Wisconson, and University of Virginia

Pro- Green Bay Packers

And yes i am pumped about D'brickishaw Ferguson in the draft, and BRETT FAVRE IS COMING BACK!!

ps sorry for the caps

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Well I'm in Ak so no local teams.

College - No real favorite but probably, UCLA since my family is from that area or Notre Dame

Pro - Lions - I always loved watching Sanders.

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