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Selanne's Back Protection

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I was wondeing how you go about getting extra back potection like Teemu Selanne has? After game 2 he came out to the ice for an interview and had his shoulder and elbow pads off and when he turned to go back down the tunnel you could see a big black pad that was built into his pants (which too were black above the purple shell, maybe from his Avs days) roughly shaped like a baseball home plate. Is this something NHL teams special order, becuase I know ive seen other players with other forms of lower back protection? To me, the mid to lower back is the only place I dont feel is adaquetly covered on most guys and was just wondering what the options were (w/o replacing your pants)?

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I remember when Adam Graves was just about done as a Ranger and then went on to play with the Sharks, he had a similar setup to protect his back. Don't know if it was attached to his pants or if it was something like a Lacrosse rib protector. But the idea is nothing new or special.

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Doesn't Holmstrom use somthing similer as well? I know when Jay Harrison was playing in Brampton his dad used to sew some extra padding on his back becuase he always borrowed our sewing machine to do it lol.

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I remember when Adam Graves was just about done as a Ranger and then went on to play with the Sharks, he had a similar setup to protect his back. Don't know if it was attached to his pants or if it was something like a Lacrosse rib protector. But the idea is nothing new or special.

I think Gravy rocked an Armadillo.

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I remember when Adam Graves was just about done as a Ranger and then went on to play with the Sharks, he had a similar setup to protect his back. Don't know if it was attached to his pants or if it was something like a Lacrosse rib protector. But the idea is nothing new or special.

I think Gravy rocked an Armadillo.

Armadillo was a undershirt style of back protection wasnt it?

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For those still wondering or want something similar to selene (i didn't actually see it myself) he could have been wearing a pair of rib pads like these:


I think I may end up grabbing a similar pair myself since it seems I can't find any shoulder pads that go low enough on my back. I wear bauer 8000 defenders and the only ones that came close were sher woods, but they had like one pad down the center of the back, and the rest was just fabric essentially.

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