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Dealers: Easton Shipped Yet?

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I am still waiting on my Easton Booking Delivery. I qualified for delivery last month but that has come and gone. I have heard the usual bs from the rep about warehouse problems, etc. This is one of the reasons I don't give Easton a ton of business: they are a shaky company to give a large chunk of your business to with their yearly delivery/stock problems. Maybe I'm not lucky(wouldn't surprise me!) but has anyone received or seen new Easton product in US shops? Just wondering what is going on elsewhere in the US with Easton 2006 product in the marketplace. Thanks...

I have received product from RBK, M/I, and NBH. Those vendors make it easier to give them your business. They ship product! But when you have the #1 OPS in the market and cannot get them for 6 months, then your company is a bit of a joke.

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Our shop recieved our WHOLE shippment last saturday. Over 100 boxes of easton equipment. I don't know why you haven't recieved yours. My shop is located in Western New York. Maybe it's a location thing?

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I was playing Saturday morning with the owner of my LHS. He was asking where I got my CNT since he has been expecting them since last month. Granted, I am in the midwest, we always get everyting last.

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My LHS seemed to get it in spirts. First some SLs, then some shafts, now some STs. Another shop around here has some of the protective.

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I know you said U.S. but id like to point out that my store got only some synergy's and easton woodies.

no protective yet.

were in edmonton...

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Rumor has Easton as buying Riddell (baseball) and using their distributional efforts to get their crap out for baseball. 1500's (supposedly) pushed back 90 days from original order/delivery date.

Again, just rumor as I heard it from my LHS (which is a national chain), but still..... take it with which the grain of salt that it has tossed as..

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Ogie..which "national chain" in our area are you talking about? I'm guessing the one that hosted the goalie show this weekend? Did you go? Eagle rep looked busy but not much else was going on when I stopped by after breakfast

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I saw 1500c's and new SL's (no Stealths though) at the Just Hockey Source For Sports in Toronto. They also had a One90 skate in a display case at the front of the store, I asked the guy and he said they would be in June 1st.

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Ogie..which "national chain" in our area are you talking about? I'm guessing the one that hosted the goalie show this weekend? Did you go? Eagle rep looked busy but not much else was going on when I stopped by after breakfast

That Eagle rep...what a slacker

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I saw 1500c's and new SL's (no Stealths though) at the Just Hockey Source For Sports in Toronto. They also had a One90 skate in a display case at the front of the store, I asked the guy and he said they would be in June 1st.

yeah we were supposed to get stealths in april but that didnt happen which sucks, but yeah easton is pretty slow on some deliveries, was hopin to have a new cnt stealth to try out and see how it goes but wont happen anytime soon. 1500s and stealth protective all came at the same time

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Ogie..which "national chain" in our area are you talking about? I'm guessing the one that hosted the goalie show this weekend? Did you go? Eagle rep looked busy but not much else was going on when I stopped by after breakfast

No - player's bench (although, "national" may be making it seem like a bigger place than it is - is "chain" more appropriate?)

Regardless, I didn't hit Perani's this weekend. Was it any good?

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I saw 1500c's and new SL's (no Stealths though) at the Just Hockey Source For Sports in Toronto.  They also had a One90 skate in a display case at the front of the store, I asked the guy and he said they would be in June 1st.

yeah we were supposed to get stealths in april but that didnt happen which sucks, but yeah easton is pretty slow on some deliveries, was hopin to have a new cnt stealth to try out and see how it goes but wont happen anytime soon. 1500s and stealth protective all came at the same time

So you do have 1500s....where are u located?

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