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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Free 10.0 Stick with 10.0 Skate purchase

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FYI, new CCM promotion, during the month of June, if you buy a 10.0 skate you can get a 10.0 stick free, $229 value.

Also, new Green RBK's will be avail soon.

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Mission's site says they're having a promotion this summer also. XP or AG 110 get a Hex 1/Grip,Pulse/grip, then there is other sticks for the 95's and so on...

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$500 US

Some places less than that. ;) But figure if say you paid $450 for the skates, and got a $200 stick for free, the skates only end up costing you $250. NOT a bad deal for sure. The plus is this year, you get a brand new model stick for free, not a model that has been out for a yr or more.

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Any thoughts on the Vector 10.0 skates? Is the stick promo the reason to buy the skates? What about the dealer who bought the skates and sticks and is now watching a $200 OPS being given away for free while his Vector 130 OPS inventory sits on the rack?

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$500 US

Some places less than that. ;) But figure if say you paid $450 for the skates, and got a $200 stick for free, the skates only end up costing you $250. NOT a bad deal for sure. The plus is this year, you get a brand new model stick for free, not a model that has been out for a yr or more.

I don't understand your dig at Mission...the Pulse is a new stick, not a rebrand. In fact, it's actually cool that you have a choice.

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$500 US

Some places less than that. ;) But figure if say you paid $450 for the skates, and got a $200 stick for free, the skates only end up costing you $250. NOT a bad deal for sure. The plus is this year, you get a brand new model stick for free, not a model that has been out for a yr or more.

I don't understand your dig at Mission...the Pulse is a new stick, not a rebrand. In fact, it's actually cool that you have a choice.

What?? I have no clue, nor care what Mission is doing. I was ACTUALLY digging CCM, because for last year's buy a skate deal, you got a older model V120 or V110 with the skate purchase, not a brand new model like the 10.0.

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What's the Ovechkin pattern like?

It's a heel curve, that I believe is similar to a Drury. I not complelety sure as I've never seen the curve in person. This topic has a picture and discussion about it.

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its actually nicer than a drury curve, we jut got the posters in. it has a pic of ovechkin without a stick in his hands saying something like buy these skates and you can win his stick. pretty silly but people will buy for sure though. cant wait to see someone freak when the stick breaks and its not warranty able cause they got it for free as part of a promotion

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its actually nicer than a drury curve, we jut got the posters in. it has a pic of ovechkin without a stick in his hands saying something like buy these skates and you can win his stick. pretty silly but people will buy for sure though. cant wait to see someone freak when the stick breaks and its not warranty able cause they got it for free as part of a promotion

It would be interesting to know which manufacturers give warranties with their free stick promotions. I wouldn't think many do.

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its actually nicer than a drury curve, we jut got the posters in. it has a pic of ovechkin without a stick in his hands saying something like buy these skates and you can win his stick. pretty silly but people will buy for sure though. cant wait to see someone freak when the stick breaks and its not warranty able cause they got it for free as part of a promotion

It would be interesting to know which manufacturers give warranties with their free stick promotions. I wouldn't think many do.

But couldn't they just send it back as they would if they bought it? I remember mine that i bought had a sticker on it that said warranty is void if this is removed. They must not give you a receipt with the stick, or the ones they give out would be specially marked?

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The only pattern you get is the Ovechkin pattern for the promo.

I haven't been following this promo, so I don't know any details. But one of the guys in the Shop I work at did a Pro form for the new CCM skates and he got the free 10.0 stick in the Lemuiex pattern. Got it a few days ago.

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The only pattern you get is the Ovechkin pattern for the promo.

I haven't been following this promo, so I don't know any details. But one of the guys in the Shop I work at did a Pro form for the new CCM skates and he got the free 10.0 stick in the Lemuiex pattern. Got it a few days ago.

Lhs employees pay a different price, and dont get the stick for free. If you have to pay you should get the curve you want.


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