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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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how do you lace your vapor xxx?

how do you lace your vapor xxx?  

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I noticed the new trend in the NHL with lacing the vapor XXX skate.

How do you guys lace your skates? I noticed that alot of them are going top/tight middle/loose bottom/tight. I think it's because of they are trying to create a snap from the middle of the skate... much like the synergy.. have you guys tryed this...style?

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Yeah I don't know, I guess if anything I lace them loose at the bottom and tighter towards the middle and top portion of the skate.

My question is, how did you notice how NHL'ers are lacing their skates? You must have HDTV and some great eyes to spot that.

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I use the "NHL" lacing pattern so my arch doesn't feel like its in a vice. As far as lacing the skate that way to improve snap, that might be a little bit farfeched.

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I think you would be surprised to find out how many NHLers leave the middle to bottom loose. Remember that a lot of them have custom skates so their foot fits perfectly in the boot. Therefore, they do not need to make the laces tight. The boot is already surrounding their foot. They don't have to tighten down the laces to get the boot around their foot as some of you might if your skates don't fit perfectly. Also, they are all such great skaters that they could probably skate with a skate hardly laced at all.

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i dont lace the last eye

[that hole thing O in the side of boot where the laces coming from...] (try to understand i forget that word...:P)

because XXX vapor are so stiff, and i want that my ankle can move a little bit...

but i lace my skate tight tight tight...

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Yeah I don't know, I guess if anything I lace them loose at the bottom and tighter towards the middle and top portion of the skate.

My question is, how did you notice how NHL'ers are lacing their skates? You must have HDTV and some great eyes to spot that.

going to the shark tank!!!

my self I have tryed the vapor XX and the one90 but I keep going back to a TF

fyi a tf is a Traditional Fit.. Much like a graf/8090/customproccm

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I use the "NHL" lacing pattern so my arch doesn't feel like its in a vice. As far as lacing the skate that way to improve snap, that might be a little bit farfeched.

what about the synergy coil??

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Hmm I'm a little put off that leaving the top loose wasn't an option. And that the poll was limited to only Vapor owners.

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I use the "NHL" lacing pattern so my arch doesn't feel like its in a vice. As far as lacing the skate that way to improve snap, that might be a little bit farfeched.

So what exactly is the NHL lacing pattern? Sorry I just dont get it.

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