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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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June 1 - Bauer One90

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were getting our one90s tmrw, we gotta go pick them up from bauer

Where are you that you are picking them up???

I think you're pretty familiar with that store and that member. ;)

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were getting our one90s tmrw, we gotta go pick them up from bauer

Where are you that you are picking them up???

I think you're pretty familiar with that store and that member. ;)

Actually Chadd....as you noticed I havnt been on in ages so no I dont know who is who anymore except you and JR.

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were getting our one90s tmrw, we gotta go pick them up from bauer

Where are you that you are picking them up???

I think you're pretty familiar with that store and that member. ;)

Actually Chadd....as you noticed I havnt been on in ages so no I dont know who is who anymore except you and JR.

Gee, I thought that hint would be enough for you. ;) It's the shop you were running when I met you.

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Did the one90s ship from NH? Because if so then we should get ours tomorrow, thursday at latest.

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Yes, delivery from NH.

The difference in One90s and XX/XXX is not measured in weight. Both skates are truly unique. Once you see the One90, all this gibberish for the last 10 months will make a lot of sense.

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i got a list here beside me saying what sizes were getting and its pretty scattered so i wouldnt be suprised if i see some people arguing instore about them

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Heard there was an order freeze on these until November. My LHS told me that after their 2 initial orders, their rep said they won't be taking any new orders until November.

Anyone else here this?

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i was on the nike/bauer website and was watching a flash animation of the one90 boot flexing, and it has the tendon guard flexing back with the persons leg as much as being able to flex forward. is this normal? i have grafs and have skated in my brothers s400s. his tendon guard would flex back like how the one90's appear, and i couldn't stand it, felt like there was no resistance for you to get a toe snap. my grafs, thank god, are unlike this. i just hope the one90's tendon guard isn't as flexible as it appears.

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Wow...everyone's high...looks like I'll be smoking everyone on price but I won't have that many.

JR, raise your price! Your giving away $ by not getting $575+ US. Its not like they will turn around and leave the store, will they?

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I phoned hockey giant today and they said they couldn't ship to Canada. Anyone hear of any internet stores shipping them to Canada. As the canadian price is alot more.

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