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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I used to think the guys in Slayer were actually really bright fellows that made two of the most intense and satisfying metal records ever. Then I saw a Slayer dvd and found they're really just typical not so bright metal meatheads that obviously got really really lucky wheh they came up with the ideas and songs for Reign in blood and South of Heaven.

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everything else is stupid about all the hype about 6/6/06...only thing funny i've heard is it is national emo beatdown day. :lol:

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everything else is stupid about all the hype about 6/6/06...only thing funny i've heard is it is national emo beatdown day. :lol:


but anyway, the date is 6/6/2006. 2000 off. the "real" 6/6/6 was way back 2000 years ago.

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I enjoyed National Emo Beatdown day :) Not saying I actually beatdown any emo's but seeing them being beat by t-shirts and cushions was pretty funny.

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whats an emo?

they are pretty much posers that cut themmselves. They stole headbanging from metal, all of the goths clothes, and the slit their wrists.

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whats an emo?

they break up with their girlfriends, run away crying, scrape their knee, and make a song


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An EMO is someone that shops at Hot Topic so they can be individuals, just like everyone else.

not a bad definition.

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whats an emo?

they break up with their girlfriends, run away crying, scrape their knee, and make a song

Don't forget the one major essential though!

All you're missing is their sister's clothing that's 18 sizes too small.

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