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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2007 MLB Thread

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Last year he was arrested and charged with assaulting his wife and I think she ended up not wanting him prosecuted. Funniest thing was last month or so he had an interview and one reporter was getting on his nerves. He asked the reporter if he was retarded, then the reporter asked if he could spell 'retarded' and Myers got up like a true tough guy and would have slapped him like his wife.

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  mack said:

Last year he was arrested and charged with assaulting his wife and I think she ended up not wanting him prosecuted. Funniest thing was last month or so he had an interview and one reporter was getting on his nerves. He asked the reporter if he was retarded, then the reporter asked if he could spell 'retarded' and Myers got up like a true tough guy and would have slapped him like his wife.

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Rotoworld's account of it was the best. "Since the reporter wasn't his wife I'm sure he had nothing to worry about"

Myers hit her right in the streets of Boston. The vibe of the city must have gotten in his blood.

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I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this is the last season Roger pitches.

He has ligament damage but is going to pitch through it. He said it's just a matter of dealing with pain. I'm guessing he'll need TJS to pitch after this year which would leave him about 47 when he would come back.

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lol that video is great... I think it was somewhere in this article already

clemens won't be back with the Yanks at least, they'll be going with Wang, Pettite, Mussina, Hughes, Chamberlain, with Kennedy being the call up guy if anyone goes down or if they trade Mussina in the offseason

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Best part about tonight's game? They traded three players for a guy who sat eating candy while they had to go to Papelbon for six outs.

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Great comeback by the Yankees and terrible managing by Francona. It was obvious his intention was to pitch Okajima in the 8th, then Gagne in the 9th, but afte Oki was tagged by Abreu and Cano, he should have been pulled immediately.

I read a statistic recently that Oki's ERA was around 1 through July, but been around 5 in the past X weeks. The inference is both he and Dice-K have tired arms. So why the hell did Francona leave him in after he was tagged by the first two batters??? Instead Paps comes in to second and third with no outs....

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Okajima now has 14 more innings pitched than last year. This is the most innings he's pitched in 8 years.

I was wondering why Delcarmen and Tavarez were just sitting there as the game slipped away.

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God that game just pissed me off. Great comeback by the Yanks as I have to give it to them, they were on fire in the 8th. Back to back homers should have been good-bye to Oki but NO let's leave him in there to get shelled some more then bring Papelbon in to get shelled some more. Gagne didn't look bad in his 3 outs, but you can tell his pitching has had to change a ton after being hurt.

I don't know though, it's going to be a VERY interesting weekend. We just got out pitched, out hit, and out managed tonight.

Oh well, on to tomorrow...

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  mik3 said:

Okajima now has 14 more innings pitched than last year. This is the most innings he's pitched in 8 years.

I was wondering why Delcarmen and Tavarez were just sitting there as the game slipped away.

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My guess is Francona was worried about Delcarmen imploding, although I'd say a tired Okajima did a good enough job of imploding anyway.

I have no idea why he didn't bring Tavarez in ASAP, since he's known for being able to warm up quickly, as well as be effective for his first time through a lineup.

Again, there's no taking away from a solid comeback from the the Yankees. But I think Francona could have managed the 8th inning better to prevent the Yanks from winning that game.

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I watched the replay this morning, the only pitch Okajima threw below the belt was the Damon double. He's so gassed.

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For the Yankees' sake they'd better hope that's not the case for Wang and today's just an anomaly. He's hanging a lot of pitches and it's not good when Coco Crisp is going to the warning track.

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Nice play by Posada holding on even with the cheap little forearm from Hinske.

Edit: Right now I'd have to say Jacoby>Joba

Edit the 2nd: Hinske could not look more like the King of Queens.

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Jacoby isn't a serious prospect, he's one to red sox fans, that's it.

They compared him to Grady Sizemore during today's game. Shows how little McCarver knows. Ellsbury is, to people who will remember, Jeremy Reed2.

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Maybe, but the point being I've seen him play. All I've seen Joba do is look beefy sitting in the bullpen. Maybe one day I'll see what he's capable of but until those stupid rules get lifted, that's not happening anytime soon.

I heard the Sizemore comparison and had to laugh. I've seen him from the Pac-10 and at best he'd be Damon-like, though not nearly as effective.

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  mik3 said:

Jacoby isn't a serious prospect, he's one to red sox fans, that's it.

They compared him to Grady Sizemore during today's game. Shows how little McCarver knows. Ellsbury is, to people who will remember, Jeremy Reed2.

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sorry, but i would file baseball america's #33 prospect under serious prospects.

not to mention that in his first trip to the majors he's hit .375 with 3 homers and 5 stolen bases.

maybe he's not the next superstar, but he will be a darn good baseball player.

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  mik3 said:

Jacoby isn't a serious prospect, he's one to red sox fans, that's it.

They compared him to Grady Sizemore during today's game. Shows how little McCarver knows. Ellsbury is, to people who will remember, Jeremy Reed2.

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Well, to those of us who remember, I think you're referring to Jody Reed.

But are you kidding me?!? He had a 25 game hit streak at Pawtucket broken, then was called up by the Sox the next day and began a 13 game hit streak in which he is batting .426. He's hit in 38 of his last 39 games. That's going beyond luck and into talent.

  mack said:

I heard the Sizemore comparison and had to laugh. I've seen him from the Pac-10 and at best he'd be Damon-like, though not nearly as effective.

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That's the best comparison. He'll be Damon with less power.

  mack said:

For the Yankees' sake they'd better hope that's not the case for Wang and today's just an anomaly. He's hanging a lot of pitches and it's not good when Coco Crisp is going to the warning track.

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The frustrating thing is Coco had 15 and 16 homers his last two years in Cleveland.

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I'm preparing myself for another decade of Braves suckery. Chad Cordero again threw meatballs and they couldn't come back on him. Curse he and all the other retards that wear flat brims.

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  mack said:

I'm preparing myself for another decade of Braves suckery. Chad Cordero again threw meatballs and they couldn't come back on him. Curse he and all the other retards that wear flat brims.

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Which suckery would that be? Ten straight years of last place or ten straight years of playoffs but no prize?

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