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Players changing sticks

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I was just thinking back to this season in the NHL. It seems that players using the RBK sticks all seemed to change their sticks to another company. A lot of players changed to Warrior. It seems most Easton guys stuck with Easton. CCM guys stuck with CCM and so forth but late in the season it was hard to find someone using a RBK stick.

Just an observation, it seems that RBK guys really jumped to other companies.

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Or maybe Rbk sticks just aren't as good as Warrior :)

Warrior should call the Dolomite the Magic stick. It seem's all the pro's that use it have had a lot of luck this season.

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If you read my orginal post, I did say late in the season, not only in the playoffs. Yes I do agree that Warrior put out custom curves for players quicker and players were quick to jump to Warrior. I just noticed during the season people that were using RBK quickly switched to other companies fairly quickly.

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If you read my orginal post, I did say late in the season, not only in the playoffs. Yes I do agree that Warrior put out custom curves for players quicker and players were quick to jump to Warrior. I just noticed during the season people that were using RBK quickly switched to other companies fairly quickly.

but they used Rbks in practices, training camps, preseason games, many other ice times.

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It's the old saying; dont try to be everything to everyone. RBK has some nice stuff out now such as skates, helmets and pads. Sticks are not their thing. Maybe just not yet at least. You know somethings up when the guys they are $$$$ are switching sticks. Pronger, Crosby, Madono, even Datsyuk switched to a CCM stick.

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It's the old saying; dont try to be everything to everyone. RBK has some nice stuff out now such as skates, helmets and pads. Sticks are not their thing. Maybe just not yet at least. You know somethings up when the guys they are $$$$ are switching sticks. Pronger, Crosby, Madono, even Datsyuk switched to a CCM stick.

Crosby has a contract with Sher-Wood for sticks

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Besides the fact. Do you think he WOULD be playing a RBK?

I would imagine that since he has been using sher wood sticks for years now he would stay with them.

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Besides the fact. Do you think he WOULD be playing a RBK?

I would imagine that since he has been using sher wood sticks for years now he would stay with them.

I agree. He still uses a 2 piece dosent he???

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Besides the fact. Do you think he WOULD be playing a RBK?

I would imagine that since he has been using sher wood sticks for years now he would stay with them.

We'll see after RBK puts more money on the table when the sher-wood contract runs out.

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Amonte had also been using a CCM. That is Pronger, Modano, Amonte and Datsuyk, all using other sticks. All of RBK curves are named after these players, none of which used a RBK by the end of the season. ;)

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They all have one reason or another Im sure. People act suprised that pro's change sticks. Look at the average hockey player...they dont normally just keep getting the same stick, over, and over, and over again do they? Guess what, most of these pro's are just like you and me, when something new and shiny comes out we want to try it, and at the pro level, they get equipment tossed at them, contract with a certain company or not.

Pro A see's pro B have good success with something, says "hey, if its working for that guy, then Im going to switch it up!"


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Fedotenko switched to a warrior(from easton) this season, then later Afanasenkov switched to a warrior(from rbk). Affy played a LOT better with the warrior, Feds sucked pretty much the whole season.

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They all have one reason or another Im sure. People act suprised that pro's change sticks. Look at the average hockey player...they dont normally just keep getting the same stick, over, and over, and over again do they? Guess what, most of these pro's are just like you and me, when something new and shiny comes out we want to try it, and at the pro level, they get equipment tossed at them, contract with a certain company or not.

Pro A see's pro B have good success with something, says "hey, if its working for that guy, then Im going to switch it up!"


I dont know about all that. Look at Shanny, he used the same gloves, skates and stick forever. But this year changed it all and bamo!!!

Steve Y still uses the Easton sticks and has continued for the last 6-7 years. I think if it's to their PP they go with it. But when a company like RBK does all they can to push a stick and Most everyone dumps it.... I think that says it all.

Just my opinion...

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I said normally...Shanahan was true to his contract with easton, which he is no longer under contract, switches equipment. Yzerman seems to be the same way.....Im not suprised anyone dumped the RBK sticks...are you? All I was say is that most guys will change what stick they use at some point during the season, RBK only changes the color on their sticks, and Warrior takes the NHL by storm.....


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if it comes down to the wire, you really don't want to be worrying about your equipment. As a pro, that's the last thing you want on the back of your mind. I can imagine a guy like Pronger doesn't want to really worry about a 7k stick exploding when he's letting a clapper go from the point so i guess he feels more secure with the warrior. I guess if these little things bother you that much, it can throw you off your game and i know a lot of players are quite superstitious when it comes to gear.

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Shanny switched because he ran out of his Easton aluminum shafts.

Actually he didnt they made him a 1000 shafts that are still available to him. They had made them before destryoing the mold. The other post about his contract running out and him able to try other things and liking them is the correct statement.

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