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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Give me enough warning and I'll jump a plane and come over.

Get me a buddy pass and I'm in too.

If you guys were serious about coming over, i may have to order some sticks for you to bring over :D

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Give me enough warning and I'll jump a plane and come over.

Get me a buddy pass and I'm in too.

Are you guys actually serious?

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ShaneyB (North) , Nick23 (Northeast), London27 (DiRtYSoUtH!!! :P lol) and me (Deathmoves) (Northwest!) We are all from london.

you from north west? you must be joking.... why are you ashamed to say middlesex LOL and plus nick doesnt live in north east anymore

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Yeah, I just kinda remembered that most (if not, all) are players, not goalies. That might be a problem. Anyone wanna strap on the pads or can find people to go goalie?

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Give me enough warning and I'll jump a plane and come over.

Get me a buddy pass and I'm in too.

Are you guys actually serious?

Yep, if Chadd can make it happen.

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I think JR and Chadd would just be dangling us if they're serious haha.

I don't dangle, I shoot through people. ;)

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Give me enough warning and I'll jump a plane and come over.

Get me a buddy pass and I'm in too.

Are you guys actually serious?

Yep, if Chadd can make it happen.

Once I get my schedule for July, I'll let you know the dates that work for me. I get a four day "window" every month that can't get rescheduled. This month I'm going to Vegas.

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I'm in Shrewsbury or Sheffield depending on what I'm up to...don't really mind where it's held as long drives don't bother me, I'll pick anyone up on the way if they're really stuck for transport! (gotta squeeze into a 206 tho! :P)

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August works for me too. As long as its not too far from London, i have no means of transport other than scrounching lifts and using public transport.

Thats the same with me.

but i will do anything i can to get there. August actually sounds better for me. where is a good rink and pretty cheap in North/Mid in england?

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July may be pretty tight for me. Going to Orlando for 5 days in the middle of the month. Aug would be sweet...let's plan this right...

August is really bad for me and I won't know my schedule for August for at least a month.

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TBH I dont think Chadd and JR know that most(if not all) of us are gonna be under 20 :(

Just saying becuase i would feel REALLY bad if you guys actually did come over and you didnt know and it sucked ass! :D

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I'm 23 i'll be out drinking with ya Chadd and JR if you come over.

My votes would be either Nottingham or Coventry, but i'm flexible to Sheffield or Oxford.

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i could be up for it if its central sorta area. im in leeds. if people are gonna be coming over tho might as well make a good impression and go somewhere nice like sheffield.

i would suggest bradford as affordable and central....however its a hole!!

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Hey, I'm from Oxford so make it close to me :P

Nah, Id be up for playing anywhere a few hours drive from here, but remember to go easy on me as im a roller hockey player! I can shoot, stick handle and pass an ice puck.... i just cant skate!!!

A bit like happy gilmore ... apart from I've never tried to styab someone with my skate!

If im driving I may be able to help with being a taxi for chadd or JR if they come over!

anyways, this would be awesome to get a UK MSH skate!

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