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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro returns

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I've been shopping around on E-Bay for new gloves. Are Pro Returns worth it? Are they really better than the regular line of products carried in shops. For exemple, I'm interested in purchasing Bauer Vapor XX or XXX, more than likely off E-Bay but the price tag is ridiculously high. 249$ Cnd for XX or XXX pro returns while they typically sale for 175$ and 180$ respectively in shops. Are they padded differently? Are they shape to the actual player's hands in the case of an individual player's Pro Return? There was a good deal for a TPS HG1 on Ebay, Pavel Brendl Pro Return gloves from when he played for Carolina.. 70$.... but was unable to find any reviews or price tags on HG1's, called a shop and it's not even listed in their TPS catalog...... so a second question I guess is, anyone ever heard of TPS HG1 gloves?


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Cuff size, finger protection, or protection (or lack of), palm, embroidery are all things you can find in a pro return.

HG1 is a GREAT glove. Traditional backroll glove. I still my custom pair around here.

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I had some glove envy last night a buddy picked up a pair of Stu Barnes HG1's at the Stars sale the other night...a sweet pair for sure..

pro returns are great if you know what you want..I have a pair of HGT Fedorov's (nylon) that have a little more plastic but were ready out of the bag...my Supreme 5000's (nylon) had the stiffest thumb known to man..I was astounded and took a long time to break in..be very aware that they may not fit at all like the retail version of the same name...

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Thanks Jim... that's what worries me the most really. You can't try stuff you get on E-Bay... will more than likely wait and see if I can get a good deal on regular Bauer XX or XXX as I know they will fit weel as I've tried them at a shop.

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I prefer the HGT to the HG1, I've never been a big fan of one piece fingers. I'm lazy and don't like to take a lot of time to break in my gloves.

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they are way overpriced. i assume you are looking at the xxx gloves at "goalie heaven"... after paying the $249 i see why they were RETURNED. they have a nasty graphics error on the cuffs, one of the seams is really ugly.

i must warn you that the xxx pro returns have extremely THICK palms that make your hands sweat like crazy. they are like two eagle palms put together. However, the xxx's i have are full of plastic and hard as a rock, yet flexible... they are tanks. (NYR return)

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if you must have a XX or 5000 pro return, keep a constant eye out on the HG site as they will start to flucuate in the near future I'd imagine..

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Didn't even notice the graphic mistake and bad seem.. I will have to pay closer attention when buying time comes around. Me and my friend were discussing the issue of glove price on E-Bay and we both came to the conclusion that there will be much better deals out there around September/October when gazillion of people are selling gear on E-Bay. As for Goalie Heaven, I suspect that they boost the prices juste because it's a pro return. Some of these gloves may not be better or worse for that matter than the stock gloves we find in shops. I'll be on the market for pants too very soon as my are A) ripped on my left thigh and B) are too big as I've lost 75 pounds in the past 9 months... but hesitate to buy them now as I still have some weight to lose... or I'll be cheap ass pants in the meantime and get better ones once my weight is in check, but that's another story

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well you can look at the pants topic for info on that... i strongly suggest anything except ccm pants, too stiff.

i imagine vapor xx and xxx gloves will go down in price now that the one90 gloves are coming out.

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From my experience, pro return Easton gloves absolutely destroy the retail versions. Sometimes you can get pro returns a lot cheaper on Ebay than the equivalent retail version. May not be the exact color you want, but this is hockey, not a fashion show.

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well you can look at the pants topic for info on that... i strongly suggest anything except ccm pants, too stiff.

i imagine vapor xx and xxx gloves will go down in price now that the one90 gloves are coming out.

nope they are still the same price. actually at hockey giant the priceo f the Vapor 30 (XXX) gloves have gone up $10.

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From my experience, pro return Easton gloves absolutely destroy the retail versions.

Especially the older design pro stock gloves

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If you are looking for a high-end glove at a low price check these out '04 Mission M-1 pro They aren't pro-stock gloves but they have a lot of protection and are really comfortable. From my experience they have been durable too.

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Thanks Jim... that's what worries me the most really. You can't try stuff you get on E-Bay... will more than likely wait and see if I can get a good deal on regular Bauer XX or XXX as I know they will fit weel as I've tried them at a shop.

I think you answered your own question. Its too risky/not worth it for you to take a chance and buy pro return equipment without trying it on.

Its too bad you can't drop into a store like goalieheaven and try on the gloves, pants, skates etc before buying. Regardless of the price (unless its free) its only a good deal if it works for you. I think you will be more satisifed paying full price for a pair of retail gloves that fit compared to buying a couple of pro return gloves that just get you by. Well that's just my opinion.

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I have had very good luck with the Pro return/stock stuff that I have picked up

Both pairs of my skates are Pro-stock/returns and they are absolutly bulletproof and the first pair lasted me 10 years-Great equipment investment.

I've got a pair of New Jersey SherWood 5060 gloves and they are far and away superior to retail versions-more accurate stitch lines and roll placement- palms seem to be a little thicker-the leather/clarino on the outside of the glove seems thicker and better quality-more hard plate plastic-Just seem to be put together better and with more care. Ive taken some healthy tomahawk chops on my hands and havent felt a thing

Plus if I am not mistaken all of the Pro level equipment is still North American made & built so I am keeping a Canuck out of the soupline and supporting the economy.

I will search high and low for Pro return/stock equipment before I score retail

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i paid over $200 cdn ($189.99) for my retail HGT's two years ago, and snagged a pair of nylon prostocks this year for $90 cdn. quite a steal, and MUCH better than the retail version i have.

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I snagged a pair of Easton pro stock gloves about a year and a half ago, and they were the best gloves I've ever used. I currently use L-7 pro stocks and they come pretty close. All the retail gloves I've tried on in the store don't feel nearly as good off the shelf (except maybe the Pro tacks). TPS pro stocks usually go pretty cheaply on ebay, I'd look into getting a pair of nylon HGTs.

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