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Oakley AFR Cleaner

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I just bought an Oakley visor and supposedly some Oakley AFR cleaner. When I opened the box, (I am in Australia), I found that the store had substituted the Oakley cleaner for a cheaper A.L.21 Visor Clear product.

Obviously I am annoyed as the visor packaging says it has to be cleaned with the AFR cleaner before use and only with the AFR cleaner.

Is it really going to be a big deal if I use the other cleaner or mild soap? I paid quite a bit for the visor so obviously don't want to ruin it.

Hockeygiant also told me that Oakley don't make the AFR cleaner anymore.

Does anyone have a contact for Oakley Hockey?


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Sadly I don't have a LHS. I contacted the distributer in my country and they told me that they can't get it.

The only place I can find it online is at HockeyMonkey and it would cost A LOT of money to get it from them as I would have to do a wire transfer.

I was hoping someone out there would be nice enough to buy some and send it to me. I am willing to pay for the product, postage and throw in some bucks for their troubles. I have posted this in the Buy section.

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Asked my LHS - they said something about CCM owning Oakley's hockey division, but the main Oakley company makes the AFR and they're the ones causing problems with stocking. Can anybody confirm?

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Asked my LHS - they said something about CCM owning Oakley's hockey division, but the main Oakley company makes the AFR and they're the ones causing problems with stocking. Can anybody confirm?

I believe that Oakley makes all the merchandise, but CCM owns the distribution rights for their line of hockey visors.

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I just a quote from Hockey Monkey and they want $60US for postage and then $25US for a wire transfer!

That's how much a wire transfer costs.

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Sadly I don't have a LHS. I contacted the distributer in my country and they told me that they can't get it.

The only place I can find it online is at HockeyMonkey and it would cost A LOT of money to get it from them as I would have to do a wire transfer.

I was hoping someone out there would be nice enough to buy some and send it to me. I am willing to pay for the product, postage and throw in some bucks for their troubles. I have posted this in the Buy section.

Used HockeyMonkey at the start of the yr for skates Matty, no wire transfer required. They took my money and sent me skates. I did well Im told... ;-)

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Thanks Nick. See you next week :)

I will keep that as my last resort. The visor only cost me $69US. I'd hate to pay $70US just for the solution to clean it.

For the record, Oakley USA and Canada haven't haven't even replied to my emails.

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Itech visor cleaner works fine, word of advice DO NOT USE MOTORCYCLE VISOR CLEANER. My buddy did and his visor crystallised quicker than a heroin addicts eyes.

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I still can't get any of this stuff. I can't play Ice untill I get the visor cleaner.

Is anyone willing to send some to me if I buy it thru Hockeymonkey and have it sent to your house in the states?

I will pay you $20US on top of all the postage costs?

Oakley in the US won't even reply to my emails.

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I still can't get any of this stuff. I can't play Ice untill I get the visor cleaner.

Is anyone willing to send some to me if I buy it thru Hockeymonkey and have it sent to your house in the states?

I will pay you $20US on top of all the postage costs?

Oakley in the US won't even reply to my emails.

If you didnt use the visor yet why dont you just ship it back and exchange it for an itech visor. Shipping would be expensive obviously, but imo it'd save you money and the hassle in the long run.

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Listen to these people. I tried to go without it and now some trash-rooting hobo is the proud owner of a formerly pristene 1Xcel aviator visor. (Which I paid $10 for used in beautiful condition. I will take my anger over messing that one up to my grave).

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I'll go by my LHS tomorrow and see if they have any, if so, I'll pick it up and try and get it shipped out to you.

Thanks mate.

I really appreciate your help.

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If you didnt use the visor yet why dont you just ship it back and exchange it for an itech visor. Shipping would be expensive obviously, but imo it'd save you money and the hassle in the long run.

I bought 3 items from the online store and only 1 item was correct. There is NO way I am having anything to do with them again.

Plus I want the smallest visor I can get as I sweat heaps.

Thanks anyway for your suggestion though.

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If you didnt use the visor yet why dont you just ship it back and exchange it for an itech visor. Shipping would be expensive obviously, but imo it'd save you money and the hassle in the long run.

I bought 3 items from the online store and only 1 item was correct. There is NO way I am having anything to do with them again.

Plus I want the smallest visor I can get as I sweat heaps.

Thanks anyway for your suggestion though.

Yeah no problem, I was just thinking that would be better because i used an Oakley for like 2 years then switched to an itech because it was a pain to keep ordering that stuff when the LHS's stopped carrying it.

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I have an Oakley Aviator CSA approved visor on my ref helmet so this has come up with me as well.

The word from a couple of hockey shops across the line from me in British Columbia (Cyclone Taylor Sports and The Hockey Shop-Source For Sports) is that Oakley no longer makes AFR Cleaner, but is in the process of coming out with a new product for cleaning their shields. I was advised to use water and a soft cloth to clean my visor in the mean time. However at a few of the rinks I ref at, there isn't the access to a sink between games so I needed something to "touch up" my shield between games. I purchased some AFR Cleaner from HockeyGiant.com and would use it as needed between games and cleaned my visor when I got home with warm water as needed.

However after four months of use, the inside of my visor has crystalized in a few spots as well, even though I explicitly followed the cleaning instructions given by the salesman at Cyclone Taylor's in Vancouver. Currently they have my visor to see if Oakley/The Hockey Company/Whoever will warranty it after four months usage. If they won't, I'm buying a new Itech DX 100 and screw Oakley!

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I wish I had of realised this, I would've avoided all the hassle and gone with Itech.

I have sent 10 emails to info@oakley.com in the last week and not even one has been replied to. Shows how much they care about hockey customers.

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I wish I had of realised this, I would've avoided all the hassle and gone with Itech.

I have sent 10 emails to info@oakley.com in the last week and not even one has been replied to. Shows how much they care about hockey customers.

I would email CCM, I would think since they are in charge of Oakley's distribution for hockey, they should be able to help you. I may be wrong though.

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I wish I had of realised this, I would've avoided all the hassle and gone with Itech.

I have sent 10 emails to info@oakley.com in the last week and not even one has been replied to. Shows how much they care about hockey customers.

I would email CCM, I would think since they are in charge of Oakley's distribution for hockey, they should be able to help you. I may be wrong though.

Thanks. I will try them now.

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I was about the sign up with www.shopthestates.com to get the cleaner. I sent them a few emails trying to find out how much it would cost. They kept telling me that they couldn't give me a quote untill I paid a $7.95 membership fee. I didn't like the sound of that so I held off.

I just received an email from them saying that they have closed down. I am so glad I didn't join!

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