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XX lite pants

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I heard the 6000 aren't very protective

actually i should've said 6000/quest 2 cross

you should be ok, i wouldn't really worry

but then you could shell out the extra bucks and get the XXX Lites :ph34r:

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jbyun04 you're from the vancouver area right?

I take it your talking about the xx lites at cyclone on oak...:ph34r:

have you seen a set of xxx lite pants?? I mean in person that is

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jbyun04 you're from the vancouver area right?

I take it your talking about the xx lites at cyclone on oak...:ph34r:

have you seen a set of xxx lite pants?? I mean in person that is

The Hockey Shop on 104th and Central City actually :P

yep, we have the XXX Lites and XX Lites and they're both really nice pants.

XXX Lites don't look very durable though but they do feel comfortable and have good protection around the hips

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lol, oopps :ph34r:

damn, I've only tried on the xx lites, which felt pretty nice

except I was looking for more protection

---back to the original topic question, they felt alright but really not enough padding in the ass region...

how much were the xxx's going for??

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lol, oopps :ph34r:

damn, I've only tried on the xx lites, which felt pretty nice

except I was looking for more protection

---back to the original topic question, they felt alright but really not enough padding in the ass region...

how much were the xxx's going for??

i didn't see the price but i'm guessing $189

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lol, oopps :ph34r:

damn, I've only tried on the xx lites, which felt pretty nice

except I was looking for more protection

---back to the original topic question, they felt alright but really not enough padding in the ass region...

how much were the xxx's going for??

More protection? so is the XX lites not really protective? They claimed the pants had very good mobility.

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jbyun04 you're from the vancouver area right?

I take it your talking about the xx lites at cyclone on oak...:ph34r:

have you seen a set of xxx lite pants?? I mean in person that is

The Hockey Shop on 104th and Central City actually :P

yep, we have the XXX Lites and XX Lites and they're both really nice pants.

XXX Lites don't look very durable though but they do feel comfortable and have good protection around the hips

It seems that anything XXX doesn't look or isn't durable. I've heard countless people say their skates started to break down within a year. As for the gloves, the palms are quite thin and are said to get used up and get holes in quite fast too.. and let's not talk about the sticks lol.. but that's all earsay as I have no personal experience with these products.... When you fork out 800$ for skates or 1804 for gloves, you expect them to last a good while IMO..

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lol, oopps :ph34r:

damn, I've only tried on the xx lites, which felt pretty nice

except I was looking for more protection

---back to the original topic question, they felt alright but really not enough padding in the ass region...

how much were the xxx's going for??

More protection? so is the XX lites not really protective? They claimed the pants had very good mobility.

they were protective enough, but if you play a real competitive hitting league, they might not be the best idea

although they were real mobile, so its more of a choice on your behalf as to what your looking for in a pant

as for durability on all the vapor xxx stuff, people shell out the $180 for gloves knowing that they're gonna get thin palms, that was one of the selling points on the xxx's, better feel, plus you get extra palms, I dont mind. As for xxx skates I have no idea, but the xx skates are also known to fall apart real quick, as I have a pair myself

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the thing with anything highend from NBH is full performance and no durability

tahts what you have to expect from them when you consider buying their products

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when you go for lightweight at the extreme..at times you are going to forego long term durability..that goes for any product..while the pants are new...my own experiences with them in nonproduction versions has been quite good..

I've had a pair of the test pants for nearly a year now...and they have held up quite well....very mobile..light..and I didn't realize how used to them I had become until I rec'd a pair of XXX pro stock pants a few months back...they have a lot more 'cushion" to the back side..but I never felt I was unprotected in the test pants..

If you are looking for a more traditional feel go towards the supreme..otherwise the 3 piece movement of the pads is very effective and cuts down on foams/additional pads etc and both pants have been more than effective in the A/B beer league type of play...then again...I can't remember the last time I took a serious fall on my a** ..maybe something like their MBP girldle is the way to go..has good dedicated tailbone padding..just buy a shell

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I think that comes down to personal preference, items like if you have to have a drawstring closure and not just a belt, if you like the 3 segment protection in certain areas, increased ventilation etc...

I do like the adjustable spine pad on my newest pair.. that's probably my biggest reason for making sure I put them in the bag for certain games..if you play a lot in front of the net and take your shots to the back, its something to consider..try stuff on when possible though..every pant does fit different..

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Damn I just bought the XX-Lite pants last night when i realised I left my shorts at camp, kinda an impulse buy, and now I'm regretting it as I don't really know anything about them at all, anybody had them or used them?

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I dont like how the spine pad is designed... seems a bit too stiff and awkward.

Let me add that I didnt try them on so I don't know for sure, it just appears to be too stiff and kinda awkward.

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my brother was looking at new pants the other day, and it was between tackla 951's and the xx's...he ultimately went with the tacklas because there was no half size between a medium and large in the xx, one was too small while the other too big. i tried on the xx while we were there, and i loved them. light and mobile while having a fair amount of protection. if my m-1's weren't still wearable, i'd be all over the xx's.

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I bought them a few weeks ago, and i am hoping to try this week at drop in. Personally I love the way they feel. When I first saw the XXX's, I honestly didnt even notice the "silver" stripes at the back, but when I saw them on the ice i was like, wow those are disgusting...But now i'm over how hideous they look, and i dont really care what my pants look like :rolleyes:. At my last hockey camp, there was a kid with the XXX's and he had the straps on the legs, very tight and he looked like a jackass...

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I got my XV Lite pants last week and have played twice in them. Much more protective than I was expecting and comfortable. A solid choice if you want to save a little $.

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