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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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uh i would just wait till you get your license. moped makes you look like some hobo/alcoholic that got his license taken away. or it makes you look like some enviromental tree hugger that says "i love the environment AND my moped!"

but i would say around $800 for a 2001

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uh i would just wait till you get your license. moped makes you look like some hobo/alcoholic that got his license taken away. or it makes you look like some enviromental tree hugger that says "i love the environment AND my moped!"

but i would say around $800 for a 2001

You sir, are a chode.

If I lived in a big city, e.g. New York, Chicago, I would ditch my car for sure. With gas at 3 bucks and insurance costs high, it just makes sense. Even in say a small town, where I went to university, I couldn't count the number of people who rode mopeds to class. If we didn't get 45 feet of snow a year, I would have done the same.

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2 words: college campus

I wish I would've invested in a moped my freshmen year at college. At a lot of big schools, freshmen aren't allowed to have cars. Also, finding parking is ridiculous and expensive. I can really only speak for Michigan State, but I saw a lot of people riding scooters around campus and East Lansing during my four years.

I don't know if you're thinking ahead about college yet, but a moped would be a great investment, especially if you're going to a big school with terrible parking.

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uh i would just wait till you get your license.  moped makes you look like some hobo/alcoholic that got his license taken away.  or it makes you look like some enviromental tree hugger that says "i love the environment AND my moped!"

but i would say around $800 for a 2001

You sir, are a chode.

If you came around more often, you would have realized this a long time ago.

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what exactly is a "chode"?? and what is a "tool"?? i have been called both on here... i guess since i'm from the south i have a warped perspective on things...sorry guys

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1) the skin between your balls and your asshole

2) a stupid person who does stupid things



1)A kid that is 16 and beats up 8 years olds, and thinks he's though.

2)A Kid who says he can drink 48 beers a night.

3) Someone that says he's been drafted in the WHL, but lives in the wrong region and sucks ball at hockey.

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Yeah, I am not at college yet, only HS now.. Next summer, in the beginning of June, I will be getting a moped. I am getting a new one though, at only $1400 you can't go wrong plus it's great gas ilage, small, and can go everywhere in my town. I would really only ride it to the lake and short things, but they're awsome.

Chode, or domileafs, your a idiot. Never post again.

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What age can you drive a moped at in NA?

In the UK its 16 but it has to be 50cc or under so may people end up with superbike looking things like above wannabe just posted that sound like hairdryers! :P

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14! Damn wish i lived over there

I didnt see the point in getting one becuase if i waited a year i would be able to get a car, also i dont really have anywhere i would need to go as everything is pretty local and i cant take my hockey bag on a moped

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Hey I found this thread and thought i would use it instead of making my own. I am going to collage in LA next year and although I am allowed to have a car I think I am going to go with either a scooter or a actual bike for gas reasons. I am just wondering if you have any suggestions for either a good scooter that is highway legal that isn't to expensive or a good bike.


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Hey I found this thread and thought i would use it instead of making my own. I am going to collage in LA next year and although I am allowed to have a car I think I am going to go with either a scooter or a actual bike for gas reasons. I am just wondering if you have any suggestions for either a good scooter that is highway legal that isn't to expensive or a good bike.


You'll never get most scooters up to a safe speed on a highway and you'll be hazard to other drivers.

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Go with a cheaper motorcycle. Get your license endorsement, get a good helmet, pay the cheapest insurance.

A good but older bike can still be kept under a grand pretty easily.

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Hey I found this thread and thought i would use it instead of making my own. I am going to collage in LA next year and although I am allowed to have a car I think I am going to go with either a scooter or a actual bike for gas reasons. I am just wondering if you have any suggestions for either a good scooter that is highway legal that isn't to expensive or a good bike.


A scooter on the highway? Do you have a death wish? At least motorcycles can get up to speed.

Ditch the scooter idea get a traditional bike. cheaper, better for the environment and not as dumb as a moped or scooter.

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in IA you can get a moped license at 14, had one until i turned 16 (lived in a small town, could drive anywhere in town on it), and now I use my roommate's in college. Great to have on campus, parking's a bitch, and expensive. They're especially great if you're going to be living off of campus.

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