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Sani Sports...Final Verdict?

Is it good, or it doesn't do anything, or it is bad?  

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My concerns is mainly for my glove palm(vapor XX 2 years old).Because i wash myself at the arena after a game, so smell isn't my first concern.

Do you think washing my equipment at Sany sports would make my gear feel ''more new'' or it is destroying your gear??

I DID SEARCH FOR INFO. but it seem really fifty/fifty.

-Some said it feel good at beginning but after it smell even worst.

-Jimmy said that it is ''destroying the gear''(or i didn't understand,sorry if this is the case).

-Odor was taken off

-not costly.

I'm looking for ''review''.


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I've use it atleast twice a year for the past 2 years and it does a pretty good job of killing the smell. It does start to smell afterwards though, but I wouldn't say it smells worse than before.

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No, the water wash-type (esporta) ruins your equipment.

Sani-Sport sanitizes your equipment - doesn't wash it. It will still look dirty. What I suggest you do is wash your equipment by hand (except gloves and skates), dry it well, then Sani-Sport it.

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On what do you base your opinion that Esporta destroys equipment? Hearing it from a friend of a friend does not count. I would like to know of personal experiences of specific "destroyed equipment". I am evaluating whether I should have my gear cleaned to kill bacteria or not, and I don't need opinions, I want facts.

Mike D.

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Using water will break down the fibers and stitching in equipment.

I used to dump my stuff in a pool. One day the entire kneecap came undone.

Enough facts for ya?

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I do think there is a bit of a difference between dumping your gear in a pool and using a certified wash system like Esporta. They have been doing gear for years now, and they are used to clean fire fighting equipment as well. I would like to hear from other players who have actually used the system in the past. Preferably from those who have used it multiple times on the same equipment. Not trying to cause any heartburn, just trying to get some information.

Mike d.

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soon....soon ..soon..you will see the new stuff for cleaning, first NHL team in the works.

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Ive had my stuff cleaned through esporta and have had my skates cleaned twice in the past year or so. The skates are fine and it does get rid of the smell for a considerable amount of time. I never had any problems with the esporta sysem although my skates were not as stifff afterwards but no problems other than that.

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Using water will break down the fibers and stitching in equipment.

I used to dump my stuff in a pool. One day the entire kneecap came undone.

Enough facts for ya?

yeah i used to wash mine in a bath tub, then the kneecap of my leg pads came off. all the stitching came apart.

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Using water will break down the fibers and stitching in equipment.

I used to dump my stuff in a pool. One day the entire kneecap came undone.

Enough facts for ya?

The chlorine in the pool water breaks down the nylon and polyester in the thread. If Esporta has chlorine it will also.

I wash all my padding in the bathtub with Oxy-Clean and Dettol 2-3 times per year, my shin pads going on 10 years now, with no problems so far.

My elbow pads are washed in the automatic washer after every game/scrimmage, no problems for the last 3 years.

My gloves are washed with Dettol / Murphy's Oil Soap once a year, no problems for 4 years.

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how about washing the hockey equipment in the tub using Tide detergent ?

I think that should be okay. I have washed my shoulder pads a few times and they seem to holding up okay.

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I use a power washer, like the ones that you use to clean decks and driveways.

I don't see much point in getting the smell out, b/c it will just come back as soon as i wear it again, so i try to powerwash my stuff on my driveway twice a year. It gets rid of all the grime and most of the smell goes too.

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I do think there is a bit of a difference between dumping your gear in a pool and using a certified wash system like Esporta. They have been doing gear for years now, and they are used to clean fire fighting equipment as well. I would like to hear from other players who have actually used the system in the past. Preferably from those who have used it multiple times on the same equipment. Not trying to cause any heartburn, just trying to get some information.

Mike d.

If you do a web search, you can find many comments from folks about Esporta damage. When I was considering buying an Esporta for my business, I researched it on the web, and I discovered many disgrunteled customers.

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I use a power washer, like the ones that you use to clean decks and driveways.

I don't see much point in getting the smell out, b/c it will just come back as soon as i wear it again, so i try to powerwash my stuff on my driveway twice a year. It gets rid of all the grime and most of the smell goes too.

Hey that's a pretty good idea. The only question is how do you keep your equipment pinned down and not blown away from the powerful jet spray ?

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I have used Esporta before on my coaching skates and gloves. did this about a year ago and both are still fine. I have used them about 3-4 times a week over the past year if you include all the camps and clinics i teach. I did it so that my hands and feet didn't smell like crap after coaching and it worked for about a month with no smell. All the stiching on the gloves are fine as well as the skate. It is the only option I have seen in the Va and NC area as far as cleaning gear.

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I use a power washer, like the ones that you use to clean decks and driveways.

I don't see much point in getting the smell out, b/c it will just come back as soon as i wear it again, so i try to powerwash my stuff on my driveway twice a year. It gets rid of all the grime and most of the smell goes too.

Hey that's a pretty good idea. The only question is how do you keep your equipment pinned down and not blown away from the powerful jet spray ?

I use really high tech equipment,

...my feet

just keep my foot on one edge of my pad, and try not to hit it with the jet. lol

Also, the force of the water is powerful enough to hold the pad in place

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Sorry to bump an old thread...but I figured, might as well keep things orderly.

Your stuff has to be dry for Sani Sport right? Going right to the Sani Sport place after I play isn't an option is it....

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Sorry to bump an old thread...but I figured, might as well keep things orderly.

Your stuff has to be dry for Sani Sport right? Going right to the Sani Sport place after I play isn't an option is it....

I put my wet stuff in the sani all the time and customers wet stuff as well, especiallty those heading home in the car right after a tourney. While the sani will kill the bacteria on wet equip, the sweat is still there, only air drying will remove it.

I think it works better when dry though for sure. Some say the ozone wont work on wet equipment, that's BS, ozone is used to sani water, wat's more wet than that. :D

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Sorry to bump an old thread...but I figured, might as well keep things orderly.

Your stuff has to be dry for Sani Sport right? Going right to the Sani Sport place after I play isn't an option is it....

I put my wet stuff in the sani all the time and customers wet stuff as well, especiallty those heading home in the car right after a tourney. While the sani will kill the bacteria on wet equip, the sweat is still there, only air drying will remove it.

I think it works better when dry though for sure. Some say the ozone wont work on wet equipment, that's BS, ozone is used to sani water, wat's more wet than that. :D

So it goes it wet, stinky and full of bacteria...it comes out wet, but the bacteria and stink are gone?

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Don't really know all the details of the Sanisport or the Esporta as far as science and mechanics are concerned. But I do know my hockey equipment is manufactured much sturdier than my street clothes and I throw them in a washing machine. My bunker gear from the fire department is made from PBI or Nomex and we throw it into a machine called an extractor and it cleans the hell out of it but it remains structurally and chemically sound.

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