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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Defective One90s

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My son returned last night from Montreal were he played his first weekend with his One90s. Being the equipment geek I am I was eager to see how the skates held up through the first 5 games. Well they didn’t. I found , one on each skate, a loose rivet that holds the blade holder to the outsole. One of the two back rivets that use a washer is missing the washer. The rivet is just sitting in the hole not helping in anyway to secure the blade holder to the outsole. There is actually some space between the 2. The 2 that still have the washers intact don’t looked to be mashed correctly either. It appears that the rivet compression tool that assembled these skates is out of adjustment, not correctly mashing the rivet enough to lock the washer in place.

SKATE this question is for you.

I know I can just go get new rivets put in, but I just spent the last 3 weeks hunting for a pair of these for my son. I also dished out 350+ dollars for them. I would hope that Bauer will go good and replace these for me. Although he only played 5 games this weekend, I am concerned that some of the holes in the out sole could have been enlarged by the constant flexing of the blade holder off of the outsole as he pushes off with them. I hate to say it because I’m a huge fan of Bauer, but these skates really look like a rush job. The little rubber piece that wraps around the back of the heel came loose after the first hour on the ice, and now the blade holder is coming of the bottom of the skate. I had a bad feeling when I bought these from an online store that it would bite me. I really prefer to do business with my LHS. This is a perfect example of why. Bauer just couldn’t get him a set until September, which really makes it tough for him to stay alive against the “big guysâ€., but that’s another story

I assume that this is the kind of thing that warrants replacement? Problem is the people I bought them from don’t have the skates to replace them with. Can I go right to Bauer to get a replacement? Will this expedite the process?

On a good not, my son didn’t notice any looseness when he skated on them. He loves the skates, he says they are very light and extremely comfortable. He is a bare foot skater. Usually I have him wear socks the first couple of weekends so we can make sure and not get blisters during break in. I did not go on the trip and mom forgot to remind him to put the socks on. No problems with blisters. He also said that because they fit so well he doesn’t have to tie them tight as his old Grafs. So I would say that these skates are definitely “game readyâ€. He had a good weekend with them, made it to the championship game.

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My son returned last night from Montreal were he played his first weekend with his One90s. Being the equipment geek I am I was eager to see how the skates held up through the first 5 games. Well they didn’t. I found , one on each skate, a loose rivet that holds the blade holder to the outsole. One of the two back rivets that use a washer is missing the washer. The rivet is just sitting in the hole not helping in anyway to secure the blade holder to the outsole. There is actually some space between the 2. The 2 that still have the washers intact don’t looked to be mashed correctly either. It appears that the rivet compression tool that assembled these skates is out of adjustment, not correctly mashing the rivet enough to lock the washer in place.

SKATE this question is for you.

I know I can just go get new rivets put in, but I just spent the last 3 weeks hunting for a pair of these for my son. I also dished out 350+ dollars for them. I would hope that Bauer will go good and replace these for me. Although he only played 5 games this weekend, I am concerned that some of the holes in the out sole could have been enlarged by the constant flexing of the blade holder off of the outsole as he pushes off with them. I hate to say it because I’m a huge fan of Bauer, but these skates really look like a rush job. The little rubber piece that wraps around the back of the heel came loose after the first hour on the ice, and now the blade holder is coming of the bottom of the skate. I had a bad feeling when I bought these from an online store that it would bite me. I really prefer to do business with my LHS. This is a perfect example of why. Bauer just couldn’t get him a set until September, which really makes it tough for him to stay alive against the “big guysâ€., but that’s another story

I assume that this is the kind of thing that warrants replacement? Problem is the people I bought them from don’t have the skates to replace them with. Can I go right to Bauer to get a replacement? Will this expedite the process?

On a good not, my son didn’t notice any looseness when he skated on them. He loves the skates, he says they are very light and extremely comfortable. He is a bare foot skater. Usually I have him wear socks the first couple of weekends so we can make sure and not get blisters during break in. I did not go on the trip and mom forgot to remind him to put the socks on. No problems with blisters. He also said that because they fit so well he doesn’t have to tie them tight as his old Grafs. So I would say that these skates are definitely “game readyâ€. He had a good weekend with them, made it to the championship game.

that sucks dude, yoi suggest you contact NBH and tell them where your coming from... on the other hand im glad your son likes the skates.. i wish i had one90's :(

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Those are copper washers and are one of the easiest to replace. I can assure you thee will be no widening of the hole and a simple 1.00 per skate repair is all that is needed.

there is NO NEED to return these as those copper washers can fall off from a puck hitting them or even another skate kicking at them in a corner.

Although you are probably right that they might not have been installed properly. Either way dont return them any good shop could fix those in less than a minute!

As for the socks issue.

I wont let any of my players skate b=arfoot unless they clean there skates on a weekly basis.

A: the smell kills me when sharpening

B: and way more impotantly it can be a deadly thing. The bacteria int he skate is so bad that an open sore from anything espically on the bottom of the foot could cause a Staff infection and that can be fatal. IMO all players should wear something on there feet.

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I definately agree that you should just get the rivets replaced. It'll be much less hassle then trying to get a warranty replacement for a skate that is easily repairable.

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One of the washers on my One90s fell off the other night. I intend to repair it. No harm, no foul. Just my opinion.

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They just were not set hard enough...mine were like that, and I just put them on the riveter and reset them.

That's how you can tell the Canadian skates from the Chinese skates...the coppers :)

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I got my son one90's and he simply loves them. The first use was 3 hours non- stop on ice, with no pains whatsoever. We baked once and had them custom contoured at 13%. After that he did anther 8hrs of intense training. lohnman posted and got me so worried that I ran to inspect the skates. What a relief, there is nothing, the skates are in great shape. I clowned around with my son and told him he's going back on the vapor XXX until September try-outs and he totally freaked out! hehehe..

btw in Montreal i paid 500 plus tax for the skates.

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of course you just spent 3 weeks looking for a pair..so I'm sure getting a replacement will be no problem whatsoever???

stuff like this is why companies go nuts on warranty...

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After paying so much for these skates it really ticked me off to see that after 5 hours hockey 2 rivets had come apart. I have since come to my senses and settled down a bit and will have them repaired as there is really nothing wrong with them. I don't know if any of you remeber but my son's previous skates were a mess as well. I bought a new set of Grafs with LS installed on them. After a few weeks I discovered that they were mounted incorrectly. I had Bob fix that mess, this morning I really felt like "not this again", but all will be fine.

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Bamzi, my son was in Motreal this past weekend playing in the Montreal Mania Tournament, did your son play in that one?

Nope he is done with tournaments this summer, just some powerskating, stickhandling, every Sunday 3 on 3 some fun time for him.

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Canadian skates have copper rivets or chinese made ?

The Chinese ones have thicker washers and/or thicker rivets. Notice what comes on Mission, Nike, and lower-end skates.

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Canadian skates have copper rivets or chinese made ?

The Chinese ones have thicker washers and/or thicker rivets. Notice what comes on Mission, Nike, and lower-end skates.

Funny, I always found the 'lower end', Chinese made rivets hold much better

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After paying so much for these skates it really ticked me off to see that after 5 hours hockey 2 rivets had come apart. I have since come to my senses and settled down a bit and will have them repaired as there is really nothing wrong with them. I don't know if any of you remeber but my son's previous skates were a mess as well. I bought a new set of Grafs with LS installed on them. After a few weeks I discovered that they were mounted incorrectly. I had Bob fix that mess, this morning I really felt like "not this again", but all will be fine.

where did you get them for $300 bucks anyway?

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I did not say that they were worse or...all I said was that you can tell where they are from by the rivets. But since you've put words in my mouth, I shall correct them...they hold better but they are harder to take off.

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I did not say that they were worse or...all I said was that you can tell where they are from by the rivets. But since you've put words in my mouth, I shall correct them...they hold better but they are harder to take off.

Sorry, wasn't trying to put words into your mouth...I was just stating how I find it ironic the lower end skates come with the stronger, Chinese rivets.

And yes, they can be a bitch to take off.

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I'll just wait till all the known defects of the one90s are known :P

you never know what can go wrong with skates, even the so called BEST skates.

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