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Phone Bill

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Today's latest phone bill came in, and I think my mom almost fainted. I was over on my text messages by 125 bucks...which equals 1250 messages. Now, I have to start paying my own bill from now on, so I'm definitely getting unlimited now. Before, I went over by 1730...and owed my mom 173 bucks...eek :blink:

What's been your worst?

Oh yeah, my bill alone was 186 dollars. And I'm 16.

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My worst bill was $800, but my girlfriends worst bill was somewhere in the are of four grand.. I have no idea how.

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How is it humanly possible to have a phone bill up hear 4 grand. I am willing to bet that she probably didn't pay it for a few months. I don't even think Movie/Music stars can spend that much a month.

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How is it humanly possible to have a phone bill up hear 4 grand. I am willing to bet that she probably didn't pay it for a few months. I don't even think Movie/Music stars can spend that much a month.

A friend of mine sends literally 5-6000 texts a month. She definitely learned the hard way that she needs the unlimited text plan.

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I've never even been close to $100.

For unlimited text, voicemail, and caller id as a pakage its only an extra $9. It would be retarded not to get it seeing as texts are $0.15 each.

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I dont see what the need to text people is. You have a phone, pick it up and call the person.

You can't call people in class, duh.

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I dont see what the need to text people is. You have a phone, pick it up and call the person.

You can't call people in class, duh.

On the contrary, as well all know THockey is a ninja. Ninja powers do translate vocally also.

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How is it humanly possible to have a phone bill up hear 4 grand.  I am willing to bet that she probably didn't pay it for a few months.  I don't even think Movie/Music stars can spend that much a month.

A friend of mine sends literally 5-6000 texts a month. She definitely learned the hard way that she needs the unlimited text plan.

I've probably sent 100 in my life. Texting is a waste of time for me.

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Theyre great for when your at a hockey game, and a buddy you know or parent is sitting somewhere else

Actually, I usually just watch the game. I don't need attention to enjoy hockey.

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True, but Im saying between periods and when you have to meet up with them. Its too damn loud to hear anything

Usually we plan ahead and know where to meet during the intermissions and most of the time it revolves around beer vendors.

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How would you cheat with TXTing? Wouldnt it be easier to just save some notes in "quick notes" and look at them then? And wouldnt your teacher always see you looking down? I think just studying would be easier...

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We can text in class !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GUYS ARE BRILLIANT

omg this is like a whole new cheating package!

Please tell me youve heard of texting in class. Are you that far behind?

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Im not really big on the txting thing. I think its stupid when people want you to text them instead of calling them.

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