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Roller Hockey Puck Weight?

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I looked up the inline rule book on usahockey.com and it says a roller puck should weight between 3.5 oz and 6.5 oz. That's a pretty wide range.

So I was wondering if anyone knows about how much an ISD puck or Zero G puck weighs. I don't have a scale at home :(.

Thanks in advance.

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I can't help you, but I can assure you that it really messes up your game when you are used to one weight puck then switch to another.

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IDS rollerpucks weigh 4oz (just weight 1/2 dozen and they were all the same give or take an eighth of an oz)

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I rate IDS #1

IMO...Mach I pucks suck ass (we use these in the college league)

The Rocket Puck (Narch) I think would have to be #2 (from what I have used)

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IDS rollerpucks weigh 4oz (just weight 1/2 dozen and they were all the same give or take an eighth of an oz)

Very much appreciated! Glad to finally know.

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I use these suckers for outdoor

I've found them to be by far the best puck on a rough surface, and still really good for indoor. They are quoted as weighing 3.9 oz. on their website (Propuck.com), but are definitely heavier than an IDS puck. It's somewhere between the IDS and an Ice hockey puck, which makes for really good feel, and it's well balanced with helps it glide over rough surfaces as well as easy to settle down the rolling puck. We started getting them in NY 6-8 years ago, and they're now used in all five boroughs for outdoor and even some indoor hockey, both league and pickup. They're kinda the standard puck around here.

I still like the IDS on sport court though. That sucker really flies off your stick.

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Outdoor, the Propuck is by far the best commercially available, you have to try it. The weight is actually 3.9oz. I've tried to make them heavier (lead in the center), but it actually is less comfortable to use outdoor. Depends heavily of the quality of the floor. Making them 1oz heavier seemed nice though on slick surfaces/indoor.

It's the most stable and durable so far. You have to get used to its bouncing back when you hit something hard (it's rubber-made, with the best/toughest gliding pegs around). One good point is that it's pretty much impossible to dent a chassis with these (contrary to the IDS, which is harder than a ice puck and truly mean with the chassis). I've been almost exclusively playing with them since 2000 (except for testing others pucks and coming back to them).

The only better puck for outdoor use on rough surfaces is the homemade kind we make here in France, with 2 disks of high-density polyethylene (UHMWPE actually, cut in these white "plastic" slicing boards), loosely linked by recessed nylon strings. Best stability ever, huge durability, hard feeling, though they are quite light (3.5oz barely I would guess). The only drawback is that they don't fly so well.

Overall, on rougher surfaces, lighter pucks seem to behave better. And on slick floors, I think that a hard 6+oz puck would just destroy your roller chassis in no time.

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I'm another one that uses the propuck for outdoor, don't play indoor roller because that costs $ in which case I'd just play ice :P

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IDS are definately no. 1.

Used to use the star puck allot in my youth days and found them to be pretty good as well. They have a nice consistent bounce and cleaner corners than the rounded IDS type.

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IDS are definately no. 1.

Used to use the star puck allot in my youth days and found them to be pretty good as well. They have a nice consistent bounce and cleaner corners than the rounded IDS type.

i actually have one of those too, I found it sitting on an air hockey table at my ice rink... odd I know, but since no one was around I figured someone left me a present :D

It's not bad, haven't used it outdoors just used it screwing around inside.

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The Propuck is outstanding. We used it when it first came out and the players (ice cross overs) loved it. Great feel. We only played indoors. Most indoor players did not want to use it because it felt different and came off the boards faster. Inline refs did not like it because they did not know how to properly drop a puck on a face off and they would bounce oddly.

The Rocket puck is by far the worst puck ever. The only reason it is used anywhere is because Narch owns it.

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