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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ONE90 stick?

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The weight is listed on my One70 (which I really like so far) as well.

Isn't the weight around 500 grams, and more importantly, does it feel like it's 500, or a little less?

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We got them at my LHS today(maybe sooner but today is when i was down there) and it feels heavy. I would say that it feels like a XXX but with a similar grip to the "bubble-ish" grip that the vector 6.0 has.

I like the feel of the RBK sickick more... It almost feels(as in the feeling in your hands and fingertips aka texture) like an aluminum stick. It's kinda weird but I like it.

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Yesterday a kid I was playing against had both One90 skates and the stick... It looked pretty nice, but it was too bad that he wasn't that good of a skater/shooter. I guess both the sticks and skates suck then if they didn't make him into a pro :rolleyes:

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1) I dont have it with me, its at my Dads house and I wont have it for another month at the earliest, I want to exchange my PM9 for a P106 though.

I did use one in August for a couple minutes and it felt decent, close to the XXX Lite in terms of performanc IMO, Felt put to together very well.

2) USD, that is the MSRP that Ive been told, Im positive thats what it is but I could be wrong.

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Anybody know MSRP for the One90 sticks?


is that USD or CAD

i'm a take a wild guess and say usd... can't get a one piece for less then 200 can...

Can't get a good new one piece for under 200. You can still get old stock synergy's for 129 at sportchek, but also a lot of other crap for around 100 bucks.

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SLs are like $125 US around me and the most expensive stick is the stealth for like $170 US. i don't know the canadian conversion but i don't think it's that much more canadian is it?

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i dont know but most of the shops around where i live have int dolomites for $230 and int o6 synergy ST's are $200 and a int vapor xx is $169

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SLs are like $125 US around me and the most expensive stick is the stealth for like $170 US. i don't know the canadian conversion but i don't think it's that much more canadian is it?

Jeebus, around here SLs are $199, Stealths and XXX Lites are $230+ and Vapor XXs with the new colours are about $190. A friggin' Vapor XV shaft was going for $140 though, so that's how out of touch this place is.

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SLs are like $125 US around me and the most expensive stick is the stealth for like $170 US. i don't know the canadian conversion but i don't think it's that much more canadian is it?

Yes, they are more expensive in Canada. It isn't a straight conversions.

SL's roughly $270ish

Stealths $300+

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SLs are like $125 US around me and the most expensive stick is the stealth for like $170 US. i don't know the canadian conversion but i don't think it's that much more canadian is it?

I haven't seen them for less than $150 US, $125 is crazy.

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SLs are like $125 US around me and the most expensive stick is the stealth for like $170 US. i don't know the canadian conversion but i don't think it's that much more canadian is it?

I haven't seen them for less than $150 US, $125 is crazy.

I haven't seen Stealth's below $200! Where do you live?

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SLs are like $125 US around me and the most expensive stick is the stealth for like $170 US. i don't know the canadian conversion but i don't think it's that much more canadian is it?

Yes, they are more expensive in Canada. It isn't a straight conversions.

SL's roughly $270ish

Stealths $300+

Wow... Are you kidding me... Here In Vancouver, almost every hockey store has

the same prices, and Im glad I dont live anywhere else in Canada... 300$ thats crazy!! Good thing I have about 10 LHS' about 30 mins away max.

-Stealth $280

-XXX lite $280

-SL $220

-ST $180

-Dolomite $240

-7K $250

-Vector 10 $250

Its unbelieveable how much less the Sticks in the US cost, even with the closer dollars now, makes me want to go down for a day to buy one... Who knows how expensive a one90 will be, just cause its new and got a high number...

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