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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sprung Hockey

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what was the reason behind all 76mm wheels instead of all 78mm?

What a great weird question!

Maybe one of the HiLo replacement frames use 78s now, I don't know. But I do know that it's hard enough to find 76s in a lot of LHSs and 78s are probably impossible to find. And 76s have a great history in roller hockey. MANY all 76 SureGrip frames are still out there working away. Lots of refs.

I think they're primarily street skate wheels and are too hard for Sportcourt. If I were going to go larger, I'd go all 80s. They're available!!

why is it that so many refs use the old sure grip chassis? I noticed that the majority of the pacific cup refs use them.

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why is it that so many refs use the old sure grip chassis? I noticed that the majority of the pacific cup refs use them.

if they're skating on the old sure grips then they've been around the game for a while more likely than not. here is my hypothetical list of reasons:

1. they're paid for

2. they are tanks and will last forever.

3. a good straight chassis with a tight wheelbase can turn and perform exceptionally well.

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I have a question for Keith. I was talking with good friend and manager of the local roller rink in Davis, CA. He said he skated on some demos some time back and said they felt pretty good. He said his only complain at the time (this was some time ago so I'm sure this has been addressed) was that the wheels rubbed when he made very sharp turns. I'm guessing this has been resolved? You should consider revisiting Davis, there are alot of parents out here with money looking to get there kids a leg up on the competition, not to mention the college has a comp team. Thanks Kieth for all your quick responses to everyones questions.

Maybe you mean Ian Striegler? Yep those frames were several changes ago. The space between the arms was too close and sometimes the wheeels rubbed on hard pushoffs and turns.

It was made worse by a rash of too long bearing spacers that allowed the wheels to pop left and right after being mounted. We had to go through every wheel we used and shorten the spacers to the right length. And they still rubbed sometimes. Fixed the hell out of that last year. There are a bunch of those still out there doing their job with no more rubbing. You can spot them cause they don't have spring view holes in the sides.

It was really strange watching the wheel rub thing developing at Mission just as we were finishing with it.

I'll be going up to Davis with samples ASAP. I need to talk to Ian and arrange it. And he needs new frames!!

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Just wondering before i think about buying these... sorry if its been asked but i aint readying 30 pages.

Are these plastic? and if so how do they stake up durability wise agaist the metal ones.

Would they fit on 9500 mission size 11? and would i be able to change back if i dont like them? by this i mean would by boot be weaked by all the holes

I'll try to answer for Keith as I've skated on and mounted quite a few of his current chassis now.

They are constructed of a carefully formulated plastic that has been tested for 100's of hours of hockey by some of the world's best players. They are not industructable however they have shown they can last literally for years of serious hockey. Also, if a chassis arm was to break on your skates they are very easy to swap out and you don't have to get a whole new chassis like you would with an alluminum or alloy frame. Additionally, these frames come with Keith's kick ass 1 year guarantee and he always has parts available to send to those in need.

In regards to fit on a size 11 Mission? Its been done and should fit fine. Be sure that whoever mounts your skates uses the directions provided on Sprung's website for the optimal mounting specs. When Keith finally roles out the next model, the retail edition it will come in a new larger size as well as the standard we all use right now. Some people may recommend you wait for these new frames to get the larger size but like I said, they have been mounted on size 11 Missions (by mysef and others). The dude I did it for loves them, by the way and has no complaints.

If you switched back you wouldn't really have any issues. The standard outsole, composite or otherwise can really be drilled for like three different frames before you'd need to worry about structural issues. The rivets that mount the frame to the boot provide a lot of hold and prevent tearing or cracks.

I hope this was helpful! Half my team is using these now (the other half is too cheap to pay me to mount them) and those who have used them would never want to use anything else now!

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Thanks again Keith for the quick response. Yes, I was refering to Ian. When you do make another trip up to Davis, PM me and let me know, wouldn't mind checking them out myself if I don't just buy a pair before then. I did have a couple more questions. Do the current A6 and the ones on presale have the same mounting hole dimensions i.e, If I buy a pair of the old, will I have to redrill holes for the next model (excluding the new larger size ofcourse)? Also, I take it the current A6 on close out do not have the before mentioned wheel rub? I'm guessing the pair Ian skated on was a earlier prototype? Thanks again for all your support.

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I think I read that the mounting holes will be a bit further apart on the new model. As for the wheel rub, i'm not getting anything like that on my skates.

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They feel great.....my turns are definitely improved, and my strides feel smoother somehow, I guess due to the springs compressing. I'm still not fully adjusted to them yet coming from 72-80, but I like them a lot so far.

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well my son broke the back rocker on the sprung frame during his last game,we keep all tools and extra wheels and parts in the puck bag,and now that he has the sprung frames we kept the extra rocker in there also.the change was fast and easy,i used a 3/8s nut driver and pliers,popped out the broken rocker and slid in the spare,put on two wheels,all in all 3 plus minutes and a stop in play and he was back on the rink.it helps to be organized,and im glad i had the spare on the bench.

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well my son broke the back rocker on the sprung frame during his last game,we keep all tools and extra wheels and parts in the puck bag,and now that he has the sprung frames we kept the extra rocker in there also.the change was fast and easy,i used a 3/8s nut driver and pliers,popped out the broken rocker and slid in the spare,put on two wheels,all in all 3 plus minutes and a stop in play and he was back on the rink.it helps to be organized,and im glad i had the spare on the bench.

How'd he break the rocker arm?

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DavisP,we dont know.it was his 2nd shift of the game,he was going towards the net ,put the brakes on and all of a sudden the rocker arm and wheel went its own way.it could have cracked from a previuos game and just gave way during this game.im just glad i had the extra rocker arm on the bench,thats the first time i had to deal with changing the rocker arm under pressure.plus what made me feel alittle better was the frame is fine now,not like i have to bring it somewhere to get fixed.

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finally used the sprung frames today....

i used about 4 different wheels to try them out...

the best set up was 78A in the front and 74A for the other 3. I liked that set up most because it allows you to "dig in" and also corner like a mofo. I cant w8 to use them in our monday night ironman tourney series. :)

good job keith. ever think about making them aluminum in the future?

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im thinkin vanguard will go on 1500c and my other sprung will go on tacks. i'll let you know. i have many messages from people that want to buy the vanguard or the boot :) if i decide to sell either it will be on ebay

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My new skates:


These look nice. I've never considered wearing yellow laces til seeing this pic. I just might do it.

How do you like the Code 1 and Sprung chassis combo?

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I don't think there the dynastys but rather the genisis...

Yes, these are the Genesis wheels which come with the Code 1's.

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are those genesis wheels 80mm?

The boot looks small in the pic, so it could be that they are the 76mm Genesis wheels that come on any Code 1 thats smaller than a 7.5

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