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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sprung Hockey

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I was just wondering if anybody else has a warning bar under their pic? I don't think I've been warned about anything yet, and it is sort of punky, but has it has kept me from being a bad person by being there? Of course.

I have a warning bar. It's almost 3 years old. I guess it can be permanent. You have to click on "Warn Status" above the bar to know what the warning is for.

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I have a warning bar. It's almost 3 years old. I guess it can be permanent. You have to click on "Warn Status" above the bar to know what the warning is for.

Your last offense was 18 months ago.

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Your last offense was 18 months ago.

A year and a half and it's still in effect? And the only other offense is almost 3 years old and it's also still in effect on the warning bar? What exactly are the expiry times?

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A year and a half and it's still in effect? And the only other offense is almost 3 years old and it's also still in effect on the warning bar? What exactly are the expiry times?

No expiration, you have to request a reduction.

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Very early on, the inline hockey companies chose the low tech rigid metal frame for their standard. Some put out their own unsuccessful "improvements", and called it quits. Do you think there are any ice hockey companies or players who want to return to the old rigid metal ice holder that was long gone before inline started? Is inline older school than ice? Or old and conservative before its time?

I think there's an effort to be made concerning the objectiveness of the thread, I know I'm a newbie here but I can't help but say that this is not a twitter page. Meaning that although the sprung frame appear to perform better than traditional frames, we still have to respect the manufacturer's choices...

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From the sidelines there appeared to be some dispute over how things unfolded at certain skate companies.

Putting that aside, have you ever considered using a 3D printer to create low volume runs of frames (as I know how difficult it is to do extrusions or moulds for low volume runs)? Our company uses laser printers and we are looking at purchasing some of these 3D printers for our business and what they can produce is amazing. If they are been looked at to produce aircraft wings then I'm sure they could produce a inline hockey chassis? Just an idea....

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Respect or censorship?

Respect, and imho the reviews, ratings and comparison to other frames on this post should be expressed by the consumer (people reviewing, consumer) rather than the seller..

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I intended to delete a few posts from various people in that topic, as they were well across the line into spamming. I must have clicked on the wrong button and for that I apologize. That said, I have not monitored the inline forum much over the last couple years and I can see that we have let a lot more product pushing slide here than on other areas of the site.

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I intended to delete a few posts from various people in that topic, as they were well across the line into spamming. I must have clicked on the wrong button and for that I apologize. That said, I have not monitored the inline forum much over the last couple years and I can see that we have let a lot more product pushing slide here than on other areas of the site.

Is it archived with its original posts?

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Actually, it looks like it is still available to us. I will see if I can trim out the posts that are in violation of our rules.

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@ Sprungster

i have a pair of one70 ice skates size 9.5D and was wondering would a a8 large chassis work on it because my roller hockey league starts soon, and by the time the medium sized chassis arrive the season would be nearly over, i know that your site says that its compatible with size 10 bauer skates, but would that half a size really matter in this case?

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Can someone please give us an update as to what the situation is with the preorders? Not to be a nagger, but some of us paypaled over 7-8 months ago and have gotten almost no news or updating as to what the situation is. Thanks.

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To add on top of it, I tried to pre-order a pair 2 weeks ago, and got reimbursed (transaction cancelled) :S

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Not sure what is going on. Starting to get concerned.... they seem to only respond to posts or questions in reference to them getting their product lined up with a major skate company, and seem to totally disregard any question or inquiry about the situation with our deposits and pre-orders.

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Sprungster not returning email's or responding to post or IM's on here is just strange. There for awhile he would respond to almost every post and was putting up pics of sprungs mounted on skates. But then after a *new* inline skate came out the post seem to be spotty and then when there was a post it was more of a rant that made a little sense but totally ignored the questions about what happened to the pre-orders that were placed and payed for almost a year before? I have been waiting and tring to find an A6 for a year now with no luck. Hope it all turns out well.

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