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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Worst Pain Youve Ever Felt?

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Dislocating my knee and completly tearing my MCL,ACL and partial tears in my PCL and LCL and also my miniscus being partly torn away all in one shot. It ruined my hockey "career". I did make a really really good recovery though.

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Kidney stones.

I second that; absolute worst pain I have ever felt.

Absolutely the worst I've gone through so far.

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Damn, I've been beaten. My thoughts as well.

Worst pain? Breaking my collarbone and a friend of mine having the bright idea to lift my arm. It didn't hurt until that point...

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Dislocated shoulder. Not sure what's more surprising -- the pain or the shock when you realize your shoulder is hanging down beside your nipple.

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one time about a couple of years ago i got a spilinter the size of my pinky and the width of a pencil in my foot, so needless to say that hurt really bad.

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Id have to say running into a parked car on a bike and flipping over the handle bars onto the hood and also when I broke my foot in 7th grade.

Damn, painful and embarassing as hell.

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Kidney stones.

I second that; absolute worst pain I have ever felt.

Thats the worst for me. Although I've got some emotional damage that hurt worse, but thats probably a different thread. :)

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Id have to say running into a parked car on a bike and flipping over the handle bars onto the hood and also when I broke my foot in 7th grade.

Damn, painful and embarassing as hell.

Yes expessially on the way home from school infront of a big crowd of kids walking home. I tried to go around them when they were walking in the street and someone said something too me I looked over and the second I looked over I felt my bike come to a dead stop and I flew up and over the handle bars.

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My first ACL tear (right knee), shredded everything except my PCL. I was a pussy sophomore in high school and didn't know what pain was. The one my senior year (left knee, shredded everything except PCL again) wasn't nearly as bad in the pain department. Both the rehabs sucked balls. The other two knee surgeries were cake.

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Dislocated and broke a bone in my Left Ankle. Did you ever see the Sports Center Highlight of the baseball player stepping back onto 3rd base and his foot basically rolled under? YEEE OUTCH, that sucks.... :blink:

Hemeroids...I got one of those nasty little bastards and walked like an old man for a week! :lol:

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Sounds like I've been lucky when it comes to this stuff... My worst is probably playing running back for 2/3 of a season with tendonitis in my right knee. And that wasn't that bad even.

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i also have been pretty lucky with this kind of thing. i guess my worst has been stabbing myself in the hand with an exacto knife it didnt hurt that bad i just was in shock with the blood pouring everywhere and no one being home at the time then factor in the fact i hate blood made it pretty bad. worst of all was probably the embarassing story of how i did it and the answering of the question why would you stab yourself?

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i also have been pretty lucky with this kind of thing. i guess my worst has been stabbing myself in the hand with an exacto knife it didnt hurt that bad i just was in shock with the blood pouring everywhere and no one being home at the time then factor in the fact i hate blood made it pretty bad. worst of all was probably the embarassing story of how i did it and the answering of the question why would you stab yourself?


But seriously, how did you do that with an exacto? Working on a model or something and slip?

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