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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy II Shaft

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I was lucky enough to win a 2006 Synergy II Grip Shaft for a good price. I am trying to figure out which blades are suitable to go with it. Will any manufacturer's short hosel tapered blade work with it?

Also, I am looking for recommendations on a wood blade to go with it - this was a big part of the reason to switch from my OPS to the two-piece - getting back that feel of wood.


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Welcome to the forum. Yes any tapered blade will fit. As for wooden tapered blades the only manufacturers I can think of at the moment that make them are Easton and Christian.

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synergy II is exactly the same as synthesis, just with a paint job

Doesn't mean it's not a good shaft. I always liked the Synthesis shaft, the blades were awful though.

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synergy II is exactly the same as synthesis, just with a paint job

Doesn't mean it's not a good shaft. I always liked the Synthesis shaft, the blades were awful though.

I've been reading reviews on epuck.com about the Synergy II blade and they haven't been good. Granted there are only 2 reviews but both of them were bad. Does anyone have any experience with the Synergy II blade. If it is a crap blade, what is a good short hosel blade for the Synergy II

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The original question asked what would be good tapered WOOD blades to consider (which I presume the S2 is). However, so far as composites are concerned, Inno still makes a short hosel blade that's hard to beat.

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synergy II is exactly the same as synthesis, just with a paint job

Doesn't mean it's not a good shaft. I always liked the Synthesis shaft, the blades were awful though.

I've been reading reviews on epuck.com about the Synergy II blade and they haven't been good. Granted there are only 2 reviews but both of them were bad. Does anyone have any experience with the Synergy II blade. If it is a crap blade, what is a good short hosel blade for the Synergy II

I've had about 3 Synergy II blades and they all lasted about 3 weeks - month. I have durability issues with every blade I buy though so I'm not gonna say durability of these blades is terrible compared to others, but it's certainly not good. As for the performance of the blade it's nothing spectacular, i've just switched to a dolomite and the feel is much better.

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