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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Queston for Rbk pump skate users:

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Hi folks. Per the title, if you use RBK pump skates, how many pumps do you give them?

As for me, my 9k's are only a few weeks old so I'm still experimenting, but this morning I gave both of them 8 pumps and that seemed to do the trick.


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For sure it will always depend on how you lace your skates up, but I go for about 10 pumps each side after the warm up.

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When I used to have the CCM 652 Pumps I used to pump the ankles about 20 times (sometimes more) and the tongues about 6 or 7. My ankles are fairly thin and I think the skates were a bigger than they should've been - I believe they were 9.5D and that left about a cm or so of room in the toes...after owning 8.5D Vectors I realized that I really needed 7.5EE in that model so I was likely skating in skates that were 2 sizes too long for 8 years (I bought them when I was around 14 and thought my feet were still growing..which they really didn't and I used the skates until I was 22). The pumps were still working when I finally traded them in and Play it Again Sports. I did love those skates....but at least I'm finally in a pair of skates that are the right size (8.5D KORS) :).

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Has anyone had a serious problem with the pumps' bladder losing its integrity fairly quickly. I mean within a couple months.

Because I heard from some JR. players around here who used them and said soon after buying them (by november after purchasing in august) they commented that they had to start 'pumping up' like 3 times a game or more.

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They had that problem at the very beginning but are now tested 5 times in the manufacturing process and the problem has been resolved.

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They had that problem at the very beginning but are now tested 5 times in the manufacturing process and the problem has been resolved.

Curious, how are they handling repairs. I haven't had any customers who have had this problem yet, and I've been selling them since fall 05, but if I do, what's the process... send for repair or replace with new skate? Thanks.

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I'm less aware of that side of things. But for sure they will try to replace the blader before sending a new pair.

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I'm less aware of that side of things. But for sure they will try to replace the blader before sending a new pair.

The only problem with replacing the bladder is that it's not practical unless repairs are done locally. People just can't be without their skates for weeks sending them off. Luckily the problem is very rare.

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I would think the bladders would be resiliant. If there was to be a problem I'd guess it would be with the valves and wouldn't that be an easier repair?

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