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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i skate barefoot alll the time

but now i managed to get poison in between my toe's(i have no clue how)

should i still skate barefoot for my next practice?

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that "poison" is fungus or bacteria from moisture, so skating without socks to help absorb the moisture will continue to let the poison grow. You can probably do it, but you need to make sure you let your skates dry and clean/dry your feet after each skate.

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dude,, wtf did you do? I know to use sandals in the shower, thats a no brainer. But going with out socks was always optional.

I went to a hockey camp and playd 3 times a day for a week without using socks.

what in the world did you possily do to get bacteria in your skates??

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dude,, wtf did you do? I know to use sandals in the shower, thats a no brainer. But going with out socks was always optional.

I went to a hockey camp and playd 3 times a day for a week without using socks.

what in the world did you possily do to get bacteria in your skates??

its not in my skates.. yet

i just started to get itchy at my foot and when i touched it it felt bubbaly

so i have poison ivy now

its just on my foot

if i skate barefoot will it spread in my skate?

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The mental capacity, or lack there of, that some members here possess is astonishing.

If you have bacteria on your foot, and you skate barefoot, its in you're skate(s). And yes, it spreads.

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Wait... do you have Poison Ivy? We've all been giving you advice for athlete's foot. Very different. Do you know what is between your toes?

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Wait... do you have Poison Ivy? We've all been giving you advice for athlete's foot. Very different. Do you know what is between your toes?

poison ivy

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Wait... do you have Poison Ivy? We've all been giving you advice for athlete's foot. Very different. Do you know what is between your toes?

Hey Oberon, you're making the following assumptions:

1. jon93 knows what athlete's foot looks like.

2. jon93 knows what poison ivy looks like.

3. jon93 knows that poison ivy and athlete's foot are caused by two different things.

4. jon93 is using the term "poison" and "poison ivy" to refer to athlete's foot as a personal affection, even though he knows that they are two different things.

5. jon93 is able to accurately describe the lesions on his foot using precise and unambiguous terms

6. jon93 trusts that MSH members also know what poison ivy and athlete's foot look like, and are able to tell him which one is which, based on his written description, without actually looking at what he has.

7. jon93 trusts that MSH members are able to formulate an efficacious medical treatment plan that will result in control and cure for his particular affliction.

And for jon93, I'm with the MSH members that THINK you have athlete's foot (a fungus), a close relative of jock itch (same fungus) and ringworm (same fungus), but of course, we're not 100% sure. If it bothers you so much, go see a doctor and get some real advice.

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dude,, wtf did you do? I know to use sandals in the shower, thats a no brainer. But going with out socks was always optional.

I went to a hockey camp and playd 3 times a day for a week without using socks.

what in the world did you possily do to get bacteria in your skates??

its not in my skates.. yet

i just started to get itchy at my foot and when i touched it it felt bubbaly

so i have poison ivy now

its just on my foot

if i skate barefoot will it spread in my skate?

Either way if it's on your foot...it's in your skate. The perspiration will spread and carry the bacteria or pus from your poison. Everytime you put your foot back in it will become reinfected since a skate is a dark wet area and a breeding ground for fungus, bacteria, etc.... See a doctor.

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Jon that foot's going to have to come off. My condolences.

Maaaaack.... niiiiiice......

Sitting at my desk at work and I burst out laughing.....

that'd be what I would tell my kid

Thanks, I needed that :D


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Worse case, it spreads to other parts of your foot. There is a chance it will stay in your skate you you'll catch it again. That's highly unlikely.

Wear socks until it clears up. If you get it again on your foot you should probably look at having your skates cleaned. The oil from the ivy plant is what gives you posion ivy. Not sure how long the oil takes to dry in a place like a skate.

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Worse case, it spreads to other parts of your foot. There is a chance it will stay in your skate you you'll catch it again. That's highly unlikely.

Wear socks until it clears up. If you get it again on your foot you should probably look at having your skates cleaned. The oil from the ivy plant is what gives you posion ivy. Not sure how long the oil takes to dry in a place like a skate.

worse case is more like it becoming a resistant staph infection that gets into a sore or cut. That type of flesh eating bacteria doesn't stop very easily and can eat up tissue and muscle, causing gangrene (sp) and amputation.

Better to keep you feet and skates clean.

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Worse case, it spreads to other parts of your foot. There is a chance it will stay in your skate you you'll catch it again. That's highly unlikely.

Wear socks until it clears up. If you get it again on your foot you should probably look at having your skates cleaned. The oil from the ivy plant is what gives you posion ivy. Not sure how long the oil takes to dry in a place like a skate.

worse case is more like it becoming a resistant staph infection that gets into a sore or cut. That type of flesh eating bacteria doesn't stop very easily and can eat up tissue and muscle, causing gangrene (sp) and amputation.

Better to keep you feet and skates clean.

Yeah, good point.

Might be worth it clean and disinfect your skates before each skate while you have open sores from the poison ivy. Would hurt to grab a bunch of alcohol wipes and stick them in your bag so you can wipe down your skates before you put them on and your feet when you take them off.

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