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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Does anyone know 100% if the 07 Vectors will be RBKs or CCMs? Also, if they do become the RBK Vectors, will the fit be the same as 05 and 06 Vectors?


100% my friend, Vector is staying CCM, no phasing out with RBK. There's just the goalie line that's gonna be only RBK. NO RBK Vector line.

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IMO CCM and Bauer are untochable names in the world of hockey but we'll see what the futur has for us.

At one point Cooper was untouchable. Tradition doesn't mean as much to kids and most kids decide what they want based on marketing.

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IMO CCM and Bauer are untochable names in the world of hockey but we'll see what the futur has for us.

At one point Cooper was untouchable. Tradition doesn't mean as much to kids and most kids decide what they want based on marketing.

I have to agree on that one Chadd.

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Canstar had 2 strong brand names, Cooper and Bauer. They had to make a marketing/branding decision to choose the stronger name. Cooper skates had never been successful, even when they were made by Roos. Choosing Bauer at the expense of the Cooper name was a tough decision. The CCM/RBK branding decision is not the same situation. RBK simply has no brand history within hockey similar to Cooper. If the people at RBK/CCM were to bury the CCM brand name they would quickly lose 100+ years of brand recognition within the industry. They would be left with RBK only as their hockey brand with no history. No one said any of these companies are particularly smart but it is obvious how stupid a decision it would be to bury CCM when looking at branding/marketing and customer recognition in the marketplace. Throwing away the Tacks name would be a huge marketing error. The Tacks name may not be as prominent now in the line but it will always be there for future use as long as they keep the CCM name going. Cooper never had a similar family brand name within their product line. Bauer has always had "Supreme" to market.

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Canstar had 2 strong brand names, Cooper and Bauer. They had to make a marketing/branding decision to choose the stronger name. Cooper skates had never been successful, even when they were made by Roos. Choosing Bauer at the expense of the Cooper name was a tough decision. The CCM/RBK branding decision is not the same situation. RBK simply has no brand history within hockey similar to Cooper. If the people at RBK/CCM were to bury the CCM brand name they would quickly lose 100+ years of brand recognition within the industry. They would be left with RBK only as their hockey brand with no history. No one said any of these companies are particularly smart but it is obvious how stupid a decision it would be to bury CCM when looking at branding/marketing and customer recognition in the marketplace. Throwing away the Tacks name would be a huge marketing error. The Tacks name may not be as prominent now in the line but it will always be there for future use as long as they keep the CCM name going. Cooper never had a similar family brand name within their product line. Bauer has always had "Supreme" to market.

The diference with Cooper was, that Cooper was pretty much the only company that dominated the equipment market. There were CCM withtacks and Bauer with supremes, but those companies sold mainly skates. In the early 70's, every nhl goalie had Cooper, and most players wore Cooper everything, except for skates. If you said supreme or tacks, it meant skates, if you said cooper, it meant everything else. I for one was sad to see the Cooper name go and didn't like the fact that it was renamed Bauer. As far as tack and supreme recognition goes, they've been replaced by Vector and Vapor.

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CCM protective was stronger than you think back then. Check out any Canadiens locker room Cup celebration photos from the 70s and you will see a lot of CCM elbow and shoulder pads on the players. CCM had a lot of players in the HG1 gloves, too. Also, CCM owned the helmet market until the original Winnwell 2000 helmet came out in 78-79. Bauer sold only skates until 1996 when Canstar put the Bauer name on formerly Cooper equipment. Cooper made great protective equipment. Its just that they did get strong competition from CCM in that category back then.

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Remember that also, the Cooper name was hidden UNDER the player's equipment.

... except for Cooper pants... or did I misunderstand your statement?

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(Didnt read 2-3 page)

So if CCM is phasing out, which I think sucks, do you think their gear would be worth saving. Like for the future when CCM stuff is hard to find? Pawn it on Ebay.

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Remember that also, the Cooper name was hidden UNDER the player's equipment.

... except for Cooper pants... or did I misunderstand your statement?

Yes, gloves and pants were the exception, but most times you don't see the logo because it was under the jersey. Which is why when Nike started they went for the high-exposure areas and didn't dabble in underprotective until later.

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(Didnt read 2-3 page)

So if CCM is phasing out, which I think sucks, do you think their gear would be worth saving. Like for the future when CCM stuff is hard to find? Pawn it on Ebay.

quite possibly imho.

better stock up on those vector pro's!

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(Didnt read 2-3 page)

So if CCM is phasing out, which I think sucks, do you think their gear would be worth saving. Like for the future when CCM stuff is hard to find? Pawn it on Ebay.

Perhaps you should've read the thread so that you would see that CCM is not being phased out, and you wouldn't have make a stupid comment.

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(Didnt read 2-3 page)

So if CCM is phasing out, which I think sucks, do you think their gear would be worth saving. Like for the future when CCM stuff is hard to find? Pawn it on Ebay.

quite possibly imho.

better stock up on those vector pro's!

But they're NOT phasing out CCM player equipment, only CCM goal equipment, as has been confirmed in earlier posts.

edit: damnit JR beat me to it.

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Kinda funny that it was Heaton phased out to CCM, and now it's getting phased out to RBK. I'm not too familiar with lines of goal equipment, but weren't there 2 lines of CCM goal equipment, The Vector and the Gatekeeeper series (more traditional pad, I think). I know there won't be a Rbk vector series because they're pretty much the same as the regular Rbks, but will there be a replacement for the other line within the Rbk brand?

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(Didnt read 2-3 page)

So if CCM is phasing out, which I think sucks, do you think their gear would be worth saving. Like for the future when CCM stuff is hard to find? Pawn it on Ebay.

Perhaps you should've read the thread so that you would see that CCM is not being phased out, and you wouldn't have make a stupid comment.

You have more faith than I do

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