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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Suggestions please? Tight fitting gloves

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I too am looking for a tight fitting glove. I really liked the one90, one70, vapor xx and vapor x (all the gloves I tried on). How do the TPS gloves fit though? I've had on one that felt great and since then all of them felt big.

Don't get X I have it myself its a medoker glove that did not break in well and the cuff is way to big. It seems to feel that it falls off easier than other gloves.

wow youre a bit late on this topic buddy

next time read the whole topic

then you wouldve known that he already bought the x6's

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I too am looking for a tight fitting glove. I really liked the one90, one70, vapor xx and vapor x (all the gloves I tried on). How do the TPS gloves fit though? I've had on one that felt great and since then all of them felt big.

Don't get X I have it myself its a medoker glove that did not break in well and the cuff is way to big. It seems to feel that it falls off easier than other gloves.

wow youre a bit late on this topic buddy

next time read the whole topic

then you wouldve known that he already bought the x6's

Bk bought the X6s, not deadmanjolt

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Still looking for gloves. Vectors fit nice, can't say much about the liner.

For TPS gloves, anyone tried out the HG9 R-2? Comparable to Vapors or Vectors?

They're my favorite gloves, no plastic inserts but very comfy. Where did you find some?

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About the One50s, how good are they actually? In Aus they are priced the same as the Easton S9, is it worth getting them over the S9?

The Supreme 50 gloves feel ok, I'm not a fan of them because they have that midgrade "feel" to them. But they are still comfy and feel like they are already broken in, not sure about the protection. I have never found Eastons that felt good on my hands, there's something weird about the thumb that is uncomfortable.

They fit of these gloves are virtually night and day because of how tight the supreme 50s are. I'd go and check them both out if you can and make your decision. You won't find any reviews of durablity on the 50s because they are soo new, that might also impact your decision.

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You could try some higher end Easton gloves. Eastons have shorter fingers hence a tighter fit.

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I've found the hg9 at HG actually. Chadd, do they have a liner similar to the dri-fit / iceair stuff that wicks sweat off the hands? That's pretty much my only question on them and HG's online help is pretty daft.

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You could try some higher end Easton gloves. Eastons have shorter fingers hence a tighter fit.

No, it just means they're short, not tighter.

Exactly.. I HATE eastons..

The cuffs are large and the fingers are small, but fat. I dont like the break in time for them either.. but to everyone their own.

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I've found the hg9 at HG actually. Chadd, do they have a liner similar to the dri-fit / iceair stuff that wicks sweat off the hands? That's pretty much my only question on them and HG's online help is pretty daft.

I just hate paying full price for gloves that haven't been made in over two years. It's just a "normal" liner, no cool-max or anything like that.

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Easton doesn't make a bad product when it comes to gloves but its up to the individual how he likes the feel of the glove. It was just a suggestion.

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Everybody has their personal preference. I just find Eastons are really light and protective and seem to move better with the roll of my wrists because of their anotomical shape. I find the Bauer XX and XXX have that same feel but the fingers are longer. I use the Easton 1300's but I also have the Reebok 8k's and find the K's a little more on the bulky side and don't seem to move with my wrists as fluently.

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the palms on my one90's worry me

after an hour of use i can already see the material breaking down

it worries me too, i still haven't been able to use them in game(I'm still on the shelf, might start playing roller this week though) but the material doesn't seem too durable.

Luckily, I'm not hard on gloves. I had a pair of cheap bauers for over a year and the palms were fine, my friend borrowed them for 3 weeks(3-4 games in total) and there's tears in them already.

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the palms on my one90's worry me

after an hour of use i can already see the material breaking down

it worries me too, i still haven't been able to use them in game(I'm still on the shelf, might start playing roller this week though) but the material doesn't seem too durable.

Luckily, I'm not hard on gloves. I had a pair of cheap bauers for over a year and the palms were fine, my friend borrowed them for 3 weeks(3-4 games in total) and there's tears in them already.

in not to hard on them ethier

they are really comfy and have great protection but the palms arent gonna last to long if they keeps doing this

EDIT:the palms are kind of shredding not ripping

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the palms on my one90's worry me

after an hour of use i can already see the material breaking down

it worries me too, i still haven't been able to use them in game(I'm still on the shelf, might start playing roller this week though) but the material doesn't seem too durable.

Luckily, I'm not hard on gloves. I had a pair of cheap bauers for over a year and the palms were fine, my friend borrowed them for 3 weeks(3-4 games in total) and there's tears in them already.

in not to hard on them ethier

they are really comfy and have great protection but the palms arent gonna last to long if they keeps doing this

EDIT:the palms are kind of shredding not ripping

does your stick have a grip coating on it?

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So it's your upper hand? Is the tape still tacky?

What you can do is put baby powder on it and mess around with a smart hockey ball or something. Normally the tackiness will come back, then put some more baby powder on it. With my andover tape I have to do this a few times before the tackiness stops coming through the (regular cloth) tape.

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So it's your upper hand? Is the tape still tacky?

What you can do is put baby powder on it and mess around with a smart hockey ball or something. Normally the tackiness will come back, then put some more baby powder on it. With my andover tape I have to do this a few times before the tackiness stops coming through the (regular cloth) tape.

ive been using baby powder

equate mild babypowder to be correct

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