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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission equipment names/lines

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Why can't Mission pick a name and stick with it.

Bauer has the Supreme and Vapor lines. You pretty much know what you're getting, even though each has evolved. Same thing with CCM/Jofa/RBK. One or 2 lines with consistency across the board, even through evolution.

Mission skates have been Amp, Pure Light, Pure Fly, L, S, now Fuel AG and XP. Same thing with their protective. Each year it seems that their equipment has a new new name and/or style. It's very hard to keep track.

I know they are a (relatively) new company in the ice hockey world, and trying to establish a foothold. I think they'd have better luck if they were more consistent.


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i think they are jsut trying toget new stuff each year and have different things.

i personally like the different styles each year, because you may not like one years products, but the next year you might love it.

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They get lots of money that way if you ask me. Alot of young kids want the newest hottest thing. If they did something like the vapor series and said our new skate is the newest vapor- then it would not be getting as much business.

They make a new model and it gets alot of hype and people keep falling for it over and over.

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  All Torhs Team said:
They get lots of money that way if you ask me. Alot of young kids want the newest hottest thing. If they did something like the vapor series and said our new skate is the newest vapor- then it would not be getting as much business.

They make a new model and it gets alot of hype and people keep falling for it over and over.

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It kills the LHS, a lot of kids want the newest hottest thing, which is usually an NBH or Easton product. LHS's around here end up having 3 years worth of full mission lines, or just stop booking Mission altogether.

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They were a little more consistent with roller equipment (Proto series skates, then helium for a couple of years)

One thing about that I really like about Mission is that they are constantly trying to better their equipment. It seems that they come out with a new innovation each year in each model they come out with. Some things work out (tapered shaft/blade combo, HiLo) and some things don't (3 finger gloves).

The best part about them not keeping with one line is that they don't get stuck in the rut that tradition sometimes brings. They're not afraid to try new things or change the style of an item because of tradition.

Mission is making a name for themselves through innovation.

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It seems that they come out with a new innovation each year in each model they come out with
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How long can they keep that up? Before long they will come to a dead end where they cant improve their skates. Or they can just say this model looks better.

I dont know how they can keep coming out with lighter models. Sooner or later we'll be skating on nothing

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It's more than just a lighter skate.

Honestly, for years it seemed that everyone was doing the same thing year after year. (Maybe I just wasn't paying attention) Mission came on and brought new ideas and it sparked all the traditional companies to step up and do new things (bauers redesigned vapors and now supremes, easton's synergy skates, ccm's vector line, etc.) In the end, it's better for the game and for the players We have more choices and better fitting and performing equipment.

A standard is being set: players are now looking forward to new models and new reasons to buy equipment each year. We're beginnning to expect that something new is coming. This will drive the manufacturers to continually improve on their designs, and rethink traditional ideas. Lighter isn't necessarily better, but it's also not the only thing companies are doing with their equipment.

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If anything pushed companies to go lighter, it was the vapor series, not mission. I don't think any other big time innovations in the ice market have come from them either. I'm all for personally preference, and while mission is held in high regard on this board, I just don't feel like any of the products I've used have been anything spectacular.

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I can think of one that they did first that everyone else followed on - full composite outsoles. Also, using composite in skates for stiffness purposes in the boot was done by them first.

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I will say the new Mission steel is the best out there for edge retention. It holds an edge so well may customers report going 10 or more skates before needing a sharpening,

Personally, as a store owner I won't book a product that I know will be discontinued the very next year. Mission does seem to do that more than others. You got to give us at least 2 seasons to sell a product.

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Mission has been weak on marketing till this year. Changing a product line name shows weakness and lack of confidence in how the consumer sees/saw a previous product line.

I agree they need to stick to a name, but they have to find a product or products that will OUTSELL the competition.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
I can think of one that they did first that everyone else followed on - full composite outsoles. Also, using composite in skates for stiffness purposes in the boot was done by them first.
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Weren't they the first short hosel tapered shaft manufacturer as well?

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It's not that they didn't have faith in it, it's just that no one was interested. The tapered idea was almost too soon.

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I don't think that it was lack of interest, I think Mission didn't have a big enough name at the time, especially in Ice hockey. That is the same problem that they are having with their other equipment- lot's of people simply won't try mission because they aren't one of the big 3 (THC, Easton, Bauer). When nobody gives you respect, you need to try new things to grab their attention.

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I think we will still see a lot of "Fuel" next year.

Hoping to book more Mission next year. Future sticks look promising, Helmets are always great.

Not a tough sell out here in California.

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  DamnLocust said:
ah.  I had interpreted it as nobody was interested in a tapered shaft. 


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Shops weren't interested in ordering blades that only fit one shaft too. The T-Flex had the same problem with retailers. The popularity (and breaking) of OPS is what made tapered shaft/blades a realistic option for most shops.

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  All Torhs Team said:
It seems that they come out with a new innovation each year in each model they come out with
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How long can they keep that up? Before long they will come to a dead end where they cant improve their skates. Or they can just say this model looks better.

I dont know how they can keep coming out with lighter models. Sooner or later we'll be skating on nothing

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I completely agree. Hearing "this is our BEST skate ever" once a year kind of takes the shine off that phrase. Eventually some will stop believing or caring, but there are those they buy into it I suppose.

Easton got bashed for changing their skate design every year. Though I do understand the original synergy skates had problems.

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