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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Has anyone had any problems with the black hornet's on the 7500's chunking? A guy on my team has chunked all the 72mm ones and the 80mm ones look like they are about to go.

No response from RR yet about replacements.

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Slightly off topic.... but....

Has anyone else found rink rats and revisions wear completely differently?

Like all my rink rats usually 'crack' first. then end up chunking. where my revisions just wore down becoming really rough and losing grip.

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Completely agree, my revisions last 1 mth as opposed to my rink rats that last almost a year. Abit of a difference and Im not a big guy at all! (5-11, 75Kg.)

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Completely agree, my revisions last 1 mth as opposed to my rink rats that last almost a year. Abit of a difference and Im not a big guy at all! (5-11, 75Kg.)

yeah im pretty much exactly the same as you size wise. and my revisions lasted a month if that! and they were pretty beat after that month! i had to replace them after that.

Rink rats do rip fairly quick with me, but they always still have grip right until they chunk!

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but let me tell you that the Revisions had mad grip for that 1st month. My RR always do the same tear then chunks. Can anyone tell me what to expect with the MB816 as far as wear?

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saba Posted on Aug 31 2006, 10:31 AM

  Can anyone tell me what to expect with the MB816 as far as wear?

I used MB816s for about 10 games or so this year with the Tuuk Rocker Chassis. The Red 62/76A wheels held up well in the front and rear positions, but the second last wheel seperated from the hub twice. However, from what I've read here that's a known issue with the Rocker chassis - the 3rd wheel seems to have wear issues for others (although I've used the rocker for a few years and haven't experienced that with other wheels). Another factor is I'm not a small guy at 6'2" and 210lbs so I probably shouldn't have been using that low of a durometer in the first place - it's just I was slipping a lot on the sport court surface with my old wheels and wanted to get the best grip possible. Rink Rat customer service was fantastic and they sent me out a set of 62/80a wheels. For the last 3 games of the season I used the 80a wheels in the middle two spots and the 76a's on the front and back and didn't have any durability problems - the wheels look great. Now the grip wasn't quite as good with the 80a's, but I wasn't slipping all over the place.

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The new black rink rats were the worst wheels I had ever used.

I went through 16 black rink rats. All chipped apart very quickly.

Then I bought some green rink rats and some red rink rats and they work very very nicely. (same softness)

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No my hotshots have held up pretty well but please keep in mind I use the 78A and 80A version of those wheels. I am a bigger guy

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Yea, my hornets are working great. I think its just those black ones that suck. But I always heard that the wheels that come on skates when purchased are not as grippy as wheels you buy in the packages. The wheels that come on skates supposedly have less grip for some reason.

But it is pretty funny that the black ones were so horrible and the red ones are great.

1000th :D

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Hey guys,

Great conversation here as usual guys!

Let me set the record straight. All our wheels are made exactly the same...Hornets and Hotshots and MB816 wheels that you see in the aftermarket are the exact same wheel that you see on the OEM skates..Ex Reebok, CCM, Mission. The only difference is the colors. The black wheels are the same as the yellow Hornets. The problem your seeing was a hub issue that was identified long ago and has been corrected. We had issues with the Hornets and issues with the MB816 hubs, when the hub integrity is compromised then the whole wheel is in trouble! These problems have been corrected and that's why over the course of the last few months you have seen less and less people talking about our wheels breaking. This is great news for everyone. I feel we have done a good job helping our valued customers whenever a problem occured. I saw a bunch of you at Torhs, Narch, Statewars. Hopefully I was able to take care of you!

The discussion on why our competetors wheels grip real good for the first month and then stop gripping is because they have a hard inner and soft outer. Ours (as you all know) have a soft inner and hard outer.

The best analogy is this. Our wheels are like a car tire, The reason you dont slide off the highway when your driving is because when you make a turn in your car the air in your tires compress and allow the tires to flatten and give you a footprint..(foot print being the amount of tire on the road) More tire on the road , more grip! Rink Rat has emulated the air (taken the air out) and replaced it with a highly resiliant soft super ball material (62A) This allows us to harden the outer tread to a minimum of 76A. These 2 hardnesses work together...Like a car tire!! Grip in Turns and stopping but because air is dead when replaced by the super ball material the wheels gives you rebound and takes the stress out of skating also helping you explode out of stops and gives you the best stopping, fastest longest lasting wheel in the industry.

The reason every other wheel company cant do what we do is because we have 2 patents protecting the technology!

Every other company in the industry does the exact opposite of what we do, They put a hard inner ring on the inside and a soft outer ! This doesn't work. Think of the car tire or bike tire analogy again. Imagine putting a hard inner ring inside a bike tire and try making a quick turn, what do you think would happen!!!!!!! You would slide right out. The reason the competetors wheel grip great for the first month is that they have to soften that wheel right up to make it grip because the inside ring does nothing for the wheel. Once the outer tread wears down, the competetors wheels begin to slip on a consistant basis as mentioned by a few of the people on this board.

Basically thats the difference guys. Rink Rat has become the Worlds best wheels..Have we had some problems, of course we have..Hopefully our customer service has been taking care of you when a problem arises. If you have issues or a problem please give me a call at Rink Rat 401-946-4400 ext 3050 or drop me an email at mhunt@mearthane.com

Hopefully for those who were unsure about our technology's have a bit of a better understanding how it all works now.

Only 4 1/2 months till Winter Nationals guys!!!

See you at the rinks!

Michael Hunt

Rink Rat

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The problem your seeing was a hub issue that was identified long ago and has been corrected. We had issues with the Hornets and issues with the MB816 hubs, when the hub integrity is compromised then the whole wheel is in trouble!

Could this be the reason Ive torn so many wheels off the hub? Id had wheels chunk bad before and kinda taken it as part of the game, but ive ripped a few wheels clean off the hub!

And coming from England, The shops and places around here make it hard to get stuff warrantied!

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I have always been a fan of Rink Rat and think that not only are you guys the top wheel in the industry, but you have great customer service to go along with the great product. That is a combination that is incredibly hard to find in any business.

Is this something that Rink Rat would be willing to replace. My buddy would really like to get this taken care of.

Keep up the great work!

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What kind of surfaces are you guys skating on and how often to wear down either of these wheels quickly?

I'm not a small guy by any means but haven't had wear issues with either, although I've been using Revision's since 05 Finals..I thought I'd wear them down faster when I started skating in a small rink, sort of like Coast to Coast in HB..with the additional turning but it hasn't happened.

just curious..

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Ive found my revisions wear down most on this Ice/sportcourt we use at one of our rinks. The rink rats wear pretty much the same on all floors ive used.

I couldnt get any rink rats for my sprung frames in a 76mm so i had to go with Revisions and some hyper wheels.

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I cannot beleive ppl are still using IceCourt! We had a huge rink in Melbourne a few yrs back fitted with the stuff. It was actually deported along with a couple of owners when the rink went under. It is the worst surface I have skated in my 10 yrs of playing Inline Hockey.

Back to the RR's, the best wheels I have ever used are the HotShots. I play on coated cement twice a week and sportcourt once-->twice a week. I have been wearing the same set for over 18 mths now and they are only now beginning to deteriate suffciently for me wanting to replace them. Its amazing that a wheel can grip like that so consistently! I have to say but, in all honesty when I play on SportCourt these days I generally swap to my Green LaBeda Milleniums that I got with my Roller Daddy skates. Simply because they are the best gripping and performing wheel I have used thus far for that surface. All in all but I will be buying some HotShots again real soon.

Best multisurface wheel out there.

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i can agree with jim a's comment. ice court can wear down any wheels very very quick. Im on revisions for 4-5 months and i dont have a problem with the grip until maybe the middle of the 4th month.

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Hey guys,

Remember there are several elements to consider when finding your ideal wheel. Type of surface, your weight, your skating style, and what you are looking for. If you skate on a tougher surface or looking for more durability then you will need to use harder durometer on the outer layer of urethane. Either our 76a Bronze wheel or if you are going with rinkrat I would the majority of their wheels have a 76a or harder outer urethane. If you are looking for maximum grip you would go with a softer wheel such as our 72a platinum which is the maximum grip on the market today, or our 74a gold wheel. If you are using other vendors I would go with there softess rating. Remember the more grip you desire, the more urethane that comes in contact with the surface which means the wheels will wear quicker. I think Mike would agree with me, that while both of our companies strive to produce the most grip possible and at the same time get the most durability out of that grip, neither of our companies can defy the laws of physics.

For those of you skating on Revision who love the grip but feel that the wheels are wearing out quicker than you would like, trying stepping up one notch on the wheel matrix for your weight. Your grip may be a little less at first but it will be more than adequate. You can view the wheel matrix on our newly redeisgned website at www.revisonhockey.com.

Thank You,

Nabeel Gerges

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For the record, never buying Revision wheels again. Its RinkRats from here till I hang up my skates. Sorry Revision, your wheel sucks and I won't waste my money again. Same as LaBeda and most Mission products.

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sorry on this one but i cant control myself. I happen to be a huge mission and revision supporter. And thats fine thats my personal preference. But thats a harsh comment to make. Theres people at revision like nabeel and people at mission like justin who do their best to improve hockey. dont make a stupid comment like that towards other companies who have millions of other supporters who love their product. Think about the game they love and the game they push to make better with their product before bashing them. Its ok to have your personal preference. But to come out on this board saying three companies are terrible and they suck is just wrong.

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Hey guys,

I agree guys, lets keep this good natured. Rink Rat appreciates all our players that wear our products. I also know there's people that love Revision, Labeda and Hyper. Its a personal preference and use the wheels or equipment that works for you,because at the end of the day it doesn't matter what anyone says, it's only you who can decide what's best for you!

Take care guys!

Michael Hunt

Rink Rat

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We use Revision wheels even on concrete and they are still great (Bronze that is). Of course they chunck after a while, but I think all wheels do. It is all about finding the right wheel for you style of skating, type of court and your weight. Also, it is often grip vs. wear.

Nabeel missed an 'i' in his URL: www.revisionhockey.com

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