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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new apple range unvieled

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It kinda sucks how the 8 gig nano only comes in black.  Most of the colors look reallly cool.

Aw, man, I just saw that. WTF? I can't get a 4 gig in black? That BLOWS!

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WOW 32GB flash memory, is that the same kind as you put in a phone?

No, they arn't small enough to put on something like an SD-card yet, they're more like the kind of memory chips that apple packs into Ipod Nanos and Ipod shuffles. The regular "video" ipods run off of a hard disk, while the small form factor ipods run off of flash memory. These chips are small enough to be used as tablet PC hard drives right now and use much less power than conventional hard drives, so I'm thinking it will probably be a year or so untill they've compressed them in size enough to make a 16 or 32 gig ipod nano.

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Fuck has anybody esle tried downloading iTunes 7? It keeps on freezing and is going soooo slow. It's driving me nuts. Has anyone else had this problem?

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I dowl iTunes 7 and deleted my Winamp to get used to the whole Mac thing. Only problem I had is trying to put songs I had just downl but that weren't in my iTunes playlist. When I added them and they showed up on the playlist, I tried to play them and it said that they weren't able to play it and I had to find it while browsing. I changed a couple of things now so I hope it works.

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guys need some opinions. i have used an ipod for my car the past couple years, and my ipod finally died last week. i wanted a touch screen ipod basically because it would have a bigger screen and the newest thing out. it wasnt released and their are conflicting reports that a touch screen will or will not be out by febuary 07. should i get a 80 gig right now (which i really need/want an ipod now) or wait to see what happens in feb?

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If a touch screen is what's keeping you waiting, get the 80 because the touch screen isn't coming around anytime soon.


People have been drawing designs and sending them to apple for years now for this. Some have been pretty nice too.

Plus imagine.. if the normal ipod is a fragile as it is, imagine what damage you could do to a touchscreen.

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When I go to the apple website and click the itunes 7 free download, i get to another screen that says download now, but i can't click it. Am i not seeing something? Any help?

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ur pop-up controls are probably on, disable the popup option for this and a download screen should pop up

Worked like a charm... Thanks for the help!

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Oh man I think it screwed up everything. It mixes up the order of all my songs. It's amzing having gapless playback on the iPod but what's the point of it when the songs arn't even in the right order. It's making me soooo mad. Also what about these iPod games. I bought 2 of them and when i got to play them on my ipod it says game cannot be played please re-install. I've done that like 30 time. Anybody know how to fix that?

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This is the MP3 that I have. It has a touchscreen and a camera. the touchscreen doesn't get damaged at all from every day use.


how long did you had it?? the archos 500 seem not bad too with 20gb,big 3.5 screen,camcorder and photo

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i think that's one of the bugs and u have to download patches for those but idk where to do that

Oh. Yea I need to get that fixed. Waste of 12 bucks other wise.

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i think u can download free games from a website i forgot what it's called

my friend just downloaded super mario bros (gameboy version) on his ipod mini and it was nice

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